Roots not poking through rockwool


Active Member
Hi Guys/Gals

I have a new seedling which i planted a week ago in a 1"rockwool cube , she is looking healthy enough and has started 2 produce 2nd set of leaves at top. My question is i have not really seen that many roots sprouting out the bottom , there is 1 kinda poking through and the rockwool cube has a tear and i can kinda see roots inside but they have not grown through. I usually wait till i see them growing through before i transplanted into a bigger cube then into my aqua farm, would it help the roots if i pop it into a bigger cube now and i wait for them to show through the larger cube before i plant into aquafarm or should i wait for more defined root development in the smaller cube before i plant.

Its under a 400 Watt Light as close as i can place it without it burning.My second seedling has rooted ok but its stretched insanely so im focussing on this 1 which i have kept under control. How can i speed up development or should i just bang it straight into the Farm ?

