roots sticking out.

Hey everyone. I got 2 girls under 425w of cfl. My critical plus is only maybe 2 feet tall. but is really bushy and wide and had MAD colas. My Blue dream is like 2 and a half feet tall and is alot more lanky and spread out. Im 11 days into flower and for the past 3 4 days ive noticed the critical plus rotts are poking out of the bottom of the pot where the air holes are. They are both in 3 gal pots. Is this ok that they are sticking out? It doesnt seem to be affecting her at all. Shes doing Excellent. :weed:

Also my humidity is at 60% lights off and 30-40 % lights on. will i get bud rot?


Well-Known Member
That is perfectly normal. Any roots that protrude through drainage holes will air prune themselves. Just leave them be. Everything is good. Check back tomorrow or the next day and those roots will be gone or brown and dead. You're ok pal :) Keep up the good work!


Active Member
mine do it all the time :) plant look awesome !!! doing good on the blue dream they are a hard one.