Rotten bud


Active Member
I found one bud getting rotten on my plant. I chopped that bud. Didnt see any other has rotten. So my plant is gonna make it or should i chop it now??
6th week into flower strain royal gorilla from rqs
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If you have one rotten bud chances are you have more..
Botrytis can become systemic and affect the whole plant..
If i put a bud cleaned up from botrytis (chopped the rotten site.)in a jar with some fresh buds are the fresh buds gonna rotten? Or should i jar the botrytis buds in other jar? Or should i not keep the clean site from a rotten bud?
If i put a bud cleaned up from botrytis (chopped the rotten site.)in a jar with some fresh buds are the fresh buds gonna rotten? Or should i jar the botrytis buds in other jar? Or should i not keep the clean site from a rotten bud?

Id store the buds that are remnants from a bud rot bud separate.

Botrytis is systemic
Washing in a H2O2 bath would be a good idea. A couple three tablespoons per gallon will do the trick. Then rinse in plain water. Also if you buck the buds off the limbs you can see the bad ones better. And you can use a salad spinner to get the water out. If you do leave them on the limb, just leave a fan running the first few hours of drying.