Royal AK Automatic & Northern Light Automatic (Royal Queen seeds) GROW JOURNAL


As a newbie on the forum I will introduce myself with my grow journal (first grow).

I am growing 4 Royal Ak Automatics & one Northern light automatic, both from Royal Queen seeds.

Here my set-up:

My light source is a 600 wat HPS SYLVANIA, at the moment only on half power (300watts).
Balast: Energy saving digital electronic ballast from Techone.

Soil is All-mix Organic from BIOBIZZ

Nutrients from Grotek:
- Heavy bud
- Bud fuel
- Solo-tek
- Vita max
- Blossom Blaster
- Monster Bloom

I also use Superthrive in a light dose (1ml/4l water)

My lamp is on a 18/6 schedule at the moment.

I give them a lot of water every three day, enough so the water leaks out through the drainage holes. After I leave them for three days.

As you can see on the pics they evoluated nice since a couple of days ago.
The 4 AK Automatics looks very nice, I took some close up pics from them; though that the one is much taller than the other ones I see nothing wrong in my opinion.
I am just a bit worried about the Northern Light, I waited to long to put the seed into the soil, and the root was already about 2cm. He came out well but as you can see he is really smal.
The leaves start to grow quite well but he is not growing a lot in size, while he should be taller than the AK automatics.
He is one week younger than the AK's though, is there anything to worry about this?
Also do I set the fan straight on the plants, or is it better to let the fan turn around the room, so its not blowing all the time on the plants?

Thx for the feedback.

Plants in the big pots are 4 AK automatics (16 days far)
The small pot is the Northern Light (9 days far)




UPDATE after four weeks.

As you all can see the boots started to grow a couple of days ago.

The smalles plant in the left back corner is the Northern Light(22 days), the other four the AK47s(30 days).
The pictures of the Northern Light are the last ones before the overal pic with the lights on.

The biggest plant is 96cm at the moment, so they grew very tall!
Some older leaves show some damage, like small lightgreen spots.
Very often of them so im not sure its something to worry about, because the newer leaves dont have it.
It is also possible that it is damage from the ventilating fan.
Because I have no propper ventilation system I have the fan on full power on the leaves to not burn them.
In my opinion better than letting the leaves burn, what do you think guys?

I am using at the moment 75% of the recommended dossage for the nutrients, next week I start with 100%.
I did this to be sure that I do not overfeed them.

I also have the superthrive but a bit scared to use it.
Any guys suggestions about propertion?




niiiice mate thinkin i shud invest in some nutes myn arre nowhere near as big but then ur runnin double the wattage and hps


Active Member
How many days are the ak from seed? Mine is 51 days now a look like they still have 4 weeks left