Royal Automatic 39 Days

Hey Guys

I started the seeds on the 28/10/10 germinating them in Jiffy Peat pellets placed in a Propagation kit under two 24w whitetube florescent lights and kept them under 24 hour light(I changed the light schedule around a week later to 18/6 because I heard autos do better on 18/6.From there they went into half liter pots with compost and were kept under the same lights for about a week.

Next they under a 600w HPS light with a fan close by and not given any Nutes
Now around 20 days later they are in 2 and half liter pots filled with
(Pre-mix Sphagnum peat,Worm Castings,Perlite,E.C2.4 P.H6.6)There have been problems from the start Curling,spots etc....

I know the Ph is one of the problems I used water with a ph of 7 while germinating and for the first week then changed to tap water (should be getting ph meter tomorrow) Any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated:clap::!:

Also there are 29 little baby's :weed: and I have lots of Pics

