Royal Gold Basement mix and fungus Gnats


So am on my second harvest with royal gold basement mix. My first harvest I noticed a good amount of gnats and really didn't do much. Hoping that maybe it was the batch I got I for some dumb reason decided to go with basement mix again and had the exact same gnat problem (I did make sure to at least get it off of a new pallet not that it mattered). Plants are in 5 gallons and get 1/2 gallon of water a day 7 days a week. I tried cutting watering down to every other day and they started to wilt and lock up (probably a result of the salt based nutes drying out). Not going to be going with basement mix again but just wondered if anyone else out there has had the same problem? My last question is I have vegging plants in 5 gallon pots of royal gold basement mix. I will be transferring them into flower here soon. Their roots are already popping out of the bottom and I decided to transplant them into either 7 or 10 gallon pots give them a week to recover from the shock and flip them into flower. I don't want to use more royal gold basement mix because of these gnat problems so I was thinking about using sunshine #4 any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You are overwatering them and mistaking it for wilting. Overwatered plants droop and curl somewhat like a wilted plant. A 5 gallon pot does not need to be watered every day or even every other day.

The overwatering is also making it prime habitat for gnats and other assorted issues like root rot and nutrient lockout.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Here's what my soilless mix is. The light warrior creates a root explosion for about the first week or so then your totally soilless ready to just pump nutes, feeding 4 times a week on some strains and 3 times for sure on all others.