
Hi guys

I used to constantly flood and spam by opening new threads on every other question/advice I needed to post here so I just decided to post here and in case someone is interested in these strains can use this thread as well.
So long story short, I started in small plastic cups, everything was going fine but I was a little late with transplanting (the shop i was gonna use for purchasing quality soil was out of stock and I had to wait for like 5 days). As my girls were in the closet and i didnt have decent ventilation they started to curl and suffocate. Thank god they’re photoperiodic as if they were autos I would have had to throw them away by now considering the amount of damage they had to get :(

anyways, i transplanted like 2 days ago, gave them nice pure water (ph balanced) and they are recovering from all that stuff slowly... my question is: moving forward, should i add some nutes already or just continue to feed them with water (120-130 ppm)? As u can see some leaves are still yellow and crunchy, but i dont know if its the defficiency or they just havent recovered from all that fuck up i made them go through
Any suggestions will help
Thank u guys in advance ✊

