RSO enthusiasts, have a meidcating Q for you for persons with Rheumatiod arthritus


Well-Known Member
i have a rare form of rheumatiod arthritus called zero-negative spondolarophy(sp). it basically effects my major joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles/feet), and my flare-ups are extremely painfull x10000. most time uncontrollable and an er visit is required and high doses of fentenyle(sp) are given. I HATE DRUGS LIKE THIS!!!!!!! my disease causes the bursa sack in the joint to fill up with synovial fluid (kinda like oil for your motor to keep your joint moving smoothly), and fills up and fills up and fills up seperating the joint. yes, excruciating PAIN!! ive been suffering with this for 6+ years, and only untill 5 months ago we found a drug that works. remicade, but is 7500.00 per treatment every month (0 out of pocket w/blue shield). well i quit my job after my boss wouldnt let me have a few days off due to TWO immediate family deaths. i needed time off as this was the last of my living family. so i walked out, which any normal person with a heart would do. the sero-negative part means all test reults are negative during blood draws. some diseases have abnormal bc's. ive had both shoulders, both hips, both knees drained and shot back with steroids and cortizone numerous times, not pleasant.

so w/o med insurance, and my next iv treatment is in 2 weeks, i was thinking of trying the RSO treatment and hoping for some kind of miracle and NOT have another flareup. 5 months of no flareups is something i havent been able to expierence in a very long time and want to keep it up. my quality of life got sooo much better. having the flare ups happen is a crap shoot. they just happen out of no where. ive had 2 in the same month. ive been hopsitalized 6 times for a month at a time cause the er docs SUCK and dont want to listen to the course of treatment that i need.

so anyone think the RSO could help? I have some green dragon tincture i concentrated down further into an oil and have been medicating wiht that for the last 3 days, but im gonna run out by the weekend. I can find some RSO or ill make it myself (thanks to this site, i have the technology. lol), either eway i have the means, ability and product (1z of pineapple express should suffice). just want to see if this oild could help, or if im going to waste my time.

thanks for reading my long read. this is another reason wy i am going to start a personal grow. plus im legal and CAN! :)
Can't you contact the HR department from your company and elect to continue your health insuance via the COBRA law? I think you can keep it, and pay for it yourself. The cost is nothing compared to your treatments....dear God man you need your insurance regardless of time off days for people that are already're gonna wish you were when you get a flare up with no treatment.

fuck RSO, it ain't gonna do what you need bro. Get your insurance back!!!!!!!!!!

It may help to keep it down, but you have serious issues. In the meantime, I suggest you get in touch with Grow Goddess or Homeless Beans from our Michigan forum and ask them for help. They know a lot about this stuff.
god damn man. I felt bad for ya while reading that, that sounds tough!!!!! I do hope you find a solution, no one deserves to live through shit like that.
treatment is a depomedrol shot and a medrol dose pack (methylprednesolone) sp when i have flare-ups. only the remicade prevents the far. im waiting for my bcn referral to get to my rheumatiod docs office. im trying to get a earler iv date (like wed/thurs/fri instead of my slotted 2/21st date. plus now i have a weird thing on top of my knee cap but under the skin. looks like a freakin breast implant, it really does. soi trying to get that drained or have him take a biopsy of it and or drain it. ill try and message homeless and GG about this.

vac, ive broken 4 ribs in a bad motorcycle racing accident (i used to road race) and ive passed kidney stones, neither even comes close to the ammount of pain im in when im having a flare-up. er docs game me shot after shot after shot of daladid(sp) and laughed as it does nothing. and i have no warning of an impending flareup. it kinda feels like a sprain at first or i just kinda tweaked it some how. then steam rolls from there in a huge fakin painfull mess.
I have no experience with RSO other than what ive read but i think reaching a point where the shot lasts 2 months instead of 1 kinda thing is what you could expect. But really with what you have i bet very few people have tried RSO for it and of those maybe only a few have shared their experiences on the internet. I would worry about side effects of the shots and cannabis but if you already smoke/ingest then i dont think it would be a issue but wouldnt hurt to talk to a doctor about it. You should look into a Mj lotion if you dont use one already.

On a side note. 7500 a month! we are such a screwed up race of people that we can make having any decent quality of life only for the rich. If the treatment is offered in canada then i would look into moving up here. You might have to marry someone or something because you have a illness but it sure as hell beats having to put yourself in debt to have a life. Downside is it would probably take you a few months to get all set up to do the shots.