rubbermaid grow


Well-Known Member
They're looking prety good Bro.....Mabey just a little overwatered.....Do you have drainage holes in your containers...and how often are you watering????????


Well-Known Member
Try to let them dry out some between waterings....Like every three days, this will let your roots get a little air that they need and minimize chances of root rot........hope the info helps Bro........

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
today i gave them a very small amount of watter the soil was dry, the bottom leaves are still curled up but theyre very dry


Well-Known Member
The leaves that have curled prob. won't straighten out just keep an eye on the new growth. they should flaten out when opened need to water until you see a trickle out of the bottom of the don't want to underwater either....just try watering every three days for a while I think you'll see an improvement.........keep me posted........


Well-Known Member
If your vegging you might consider removing the scrog. I would put it in there when you decide to flower.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey Kid checkout how im doing my rubbermaid on the link here below in my signature it might give you a few ideas....just tryin to help :D