RumBoy's Aussie grow in America. Hydro/Aero 2010


G'day fellow MJ aficionados, and welcome to my up-over down-under grow journal.

Ok. First off, here's a list of the equipment I've spent over $6K on. (where'd all the money go?) :roll:

Vege Room:
Two 4' trays.
One of the 4' trays is for my mums. Mums are in 3 1/2 gal buckets in rockwool cubes immersed in hydroton pellets.
The other tray is holding my StinkBud inspired aeroponic 24-capacity cloner/vege unit. I also made the 18gal ruffneck tote cloner.
1 Xtrasun 6" air cooled fixture with a 400W MH Hortilux with blue spectrum bulb for the mums.
3 x 4-bulb T5 fixtures with blue spectrum bulbs suspended over the cloner/vege aeroponic unit.

Flower Room:
2x 1kW HPS hortilux in Xtrasun 6" air cooled fixtures
Co2 bottle with regulator.
4' tray for rockwool / hydroton ebb and flow
2 x StinkBud Jr flowering units slightly modded to use only one reservoir and pump. Since I bought a fair amount of consumables for the ebb and flow setup BEFORE I decided to go with aeroponics, I'll be using those up before switching totally to aero. Probably try to get at least one harvest out of them.

General Equipment:
RO water filter
3 reservoir water heaters which I no longer use due to brown algae breakout. I may need to get a chiller for summer.
5.5kW generator for when the power goes out around here. (Too bloody frequently)
Air pump with a 6-port manifold for airstones
12" household oscillating fan
Cd player, playing Brahms
4" canfan sucking outside air in for ambient co2 and fresh air for the girls
6" canfan pushing outside air through my Xtrasun HPS fixtures in the Flower room
Portable window aircon with home-made ducting for when summer gets here.
Radiator-type oil heater.
Both rooms are lined with reflective white plastic.
Various other minor doodads: timers, thermostats, powerboards, shelving blah blah etc etc.

Lovely Ladies:
Originally started with 6 Blue God, 1 Blackberry Kush, 1 Grape Wreck and 1 Hindu Kush. I have two seedlings supposedly from MM stash. I've lost the Hindu, and one of the Blue Gods :sad:

Temp is set to 77f. RH ranges between 40-50% Without the humidifier it sits around 30-35%

Here's a pic of the Mums. Two of the Blue Gods are a bit wilty. Since I took this shot I've severely pruned the nearest wilter, and it seems to be slowly recovering.


That'll do for a start.

Comments are welcome, and encouraged.



I'll take more pics this afternoon when the girls wake up, and show you my latest setup with the aeroponic unit on the 2nd tray.



Here's some photo's of my poor suffering girls..

Here's the Vege room, with almost complete aero unit
And this is a Blue God that had wilted badly for a few days, but recovered, and is now just sitting doing not much
My 2nd Blue God to wilt and not recover until I pruned it rather severely:
WTF is this floating brown crud? Brown algae? I tried Physan20 before my last reservoir change and no H2O2 (because I didn't have any). The next Rez of nutes... the brown crud stayed away for an entire week. Change of nutes and added H2O2, and the brown crud returns with a vengeance. The H2O2 is doing it?
Mo' brown floating crud.

What the heck? This brown algae????? is driving me nuts...