runoff with organics


Active Member
hey all

I have been growing for the last seven years and have used many different organic fertilizer's in my organic soil setup. I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the new products and need help seeing through all of the hoopla. I am willing to experiment and try anything. I have tried and liked bio-canna products and roots organics. I am trying to find something that is simple and that works.


Well-Known Member
I have a question about runoff and drainage

I grow with LC'soilless mix #1 ( i use 20%worm casts,10% peatmoss ,70% coco mix with 2 tablespoon dolomite lime for per gal.) , but is it possible to just water without any runoff and just moistening the medium? Or do I have to have 20-30% runoff like in coco and canna nutes?

If I go with coir in LCs mix, would I run into problems without running it off? I have a fear that I will be flushing nutes away if I let it runoff 30% every watering.



Well-Known Member
coco like runoff and heavy watering, i have ruffly the same mix with maybe some more perlite and vermiculite but i water once a day with 20-30 percent runoff and they love it, u just need a little more nutes than soil and a little less than a plain hydro medium