Rust colored spots on clones discoloration


Active Member
I've been having some problems with my clones that started about 1 1/2 weeks after they took root. They are about 3 1/2 weeks old now and the problem is spreading. The lower and middle fan leaves are discoloring to a yellow/greenish color and covered with dark rust color spots. some of the leaves have spots of narcosis and drying out but that's only on 2 of the biggest.

I have fed with big bloom at less than 1tb spoon and cal mag at 1/2tsp about 3-4 days after transplant, then watered at about 2 weeks with 1/4 tsp (4th strength) a gallon mg all purpose. At first I thought it was over nuteing and flushed the medium well and watered with a very weak nutrient solution at week 3, It seemed like it helped the narcosis but the rust spots continued. I' have gave them calmg occasionaly throughout the the time so I don't think its calmag issue. I have also cleaned the box and sprayed them with sulfer/pythrien spray thinking it might be a fungus and the problem persisted. Its defiantly not spider mites as I have checked all the leaves. Some of the plants are kinda root bound and I plan on transplanting in a few days.

Strain: Nirvana PPP Reg
Soil: Promix Ultimate Organic (peat moss)
Water: R/O ph 6.3
Soil Ph: Idk some were around six, It shows up slightly on my ph test that has a range of 6-8

You can't really see all the spots in the pictures but the leaves are covered with speck and patches of rust spots. I'm thinking It might be a Ph problem, but I have lime in the soil and always water and feed ph'ed at 6.3-6.5.



Active Member
Anyone know? I'v looked at all the plant problems post and search for hours and cant really find what it might be.


Active Member
Any other thoughts on what the problem might be? I'm going to flush them tonight and transplant to 2 gallon pots tomorrow. I'm thinking about amending the soil some and going organic. Was my goal in the begining but have been kinda tight on money idk if I'll be able to yet.