Rust spots and a dying plant!


Can anyone tell me what this is? Im guessing some sort of deficiency rather than toxicity,but i honestly dont know. The pictures on the thread to help identify them dont work. Can someone help please?!



Well-Known Member
normal lights would help but rust spots are Ca deficiency. could be not enough Ca or nute lockout of Ca by other nutes or pH or EC .

more info needed.


Well-Known Member
the new growth looks fine. sometimes those first sets of leaves look really bad but there is usually nothing wrong with the plant.
i wouldn't worry about it. unless that new growth starts to show rust spots.


the new growth looks fine. sometimes those first sets of leaves look really bad but there is usually nothing wrong with the plant.
i wouldn't worry about it. unless that new growth starts to show rust spots.
Okay. I changed my res and re mixed a fresh nutrient solution just in case i mixed it wrong last time. Fingers crossed