Rust spots

well I think you'll agree, if there are eggs the adults were there and/or are still there somewhere, you'll want to keep looking. In the meantime you can decide how to treat them, I am not an outdoors grower so I am not sure how helpful I can be but I have read others use their hose to wash off bugs and you can also use citric acid to make a spray that will usually get rid of many bugs

give some time and I bet an outdoors grower will pop in and give you some suggestions.
I veg outdoors, but I am planning out flowering indoors. I wanna solve this problem first before moving them Inside. What would you do if you if it were indoors?
Try AzaMax. Its a neem oil extact. You can do it by soil or spray bottle.
I use it via soil. a light treatment every couple weeks does the job for me.
If I got some persistent buggers I use a spray bottle and apply the AzaMax.
Just remember to spray UNDER the leaf really well.