Sac County / City Growers ILLEGAL OR NOT?


Active Member
So is it illegal to grow pot outdoor in sacramento county or just city? I have heard alot of stuff I just want to make sure I won't get arrested for outdoor growing.


Active Member
Yup 2012 grow season was the last for roseville outdoors. They shut it down under "order issues" however the city said only 1 complaint had been filed. It was more of a fear "kids" might jump fences to steal it.


Active Member
Yup. It was

Roseville ban on growing medical pot outdoors starts today
By Bill
Published: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 2BLast Modified: Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 - 8:04 am
Beginning today, it is illegal to harvest outdoor medical marijuana in Roseville.In June, the city approved an ordinance that said medical marijuana patients must grow their pot indoors. A grace period until Nov. 1 was established to give growers time to harvest any outdoor crop.The ordinance was enacted to allow residents to enjoy their property "without being subjected to odors and safety concerns associated with outdoor medical marijuana cultivation," according to the city.
Facts about the new ordinance:
• All outdoor, open-air cultivation is against the law, starting today in Roseville.
• Medical marijuana may be grown only by authorized growers in Roseville indoors.
• Indoor grows are allowed only in the authorized grower's primary residence.
• People walking past the grower's house should not be able to see marijuana plants through the window or smell marijuana odors.
• Code-enforcement officers may issue citations for uncorrected violations of the ordinance.When the ordinance was proposed last summer, advocates said the new law was needed because backyard gardens had a skunky smell.
Medical marijuana activists said ordinance proponents were simply trying to make it as difficult as possible to grow pot.


Well-Known Member
That was JUST after the EMERGENCY CLOSED City Council meeting where they voted to ban and assist the Placer County Sheriff's Department in closing down all Roseville dispensaries.


Active Member
Go figure.
Roseville its self is too up their own ass for me. But really growing outdoors in any fair sized city or larger is just not a good idea. There are enough fuck-os in roseville + the train yard for me to never want to have a yard full of plants. Roseville looks like on the skin but it has a fair amount of crime and people up their own ass for me to live there or near there.