Safe to plant outside


Well-Known Member
I live in the US, but i really wouldnt mind plantin some seeds. I live in a residential area and helicoptors occasionally fly by, would it be safe or would they be able to pick it up easily? Any input would be great

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
no you need a 4by 4 foot plant before anyone would rase an eyebrow,you need to wery of niebourhood kids finding it or smelling it would be your biggest worries


Active Member
Don't get too carried away. Be smart about it. Don't plant in places where someone might find it and definetly not somewhere where if is found it can be linked to you. If you are growing indoors make sure you carbon filter and have great security around your area. If outdoors don't plant in large plots. It's harder to spot 3 or 4 plants than 20. If you haven't considered it yet check out some of the lowryder and lowlife strains. It might take a few more plants to achieve a harvest weight you might have in mind but they are much easier to hide and can be grown almost all year long may-october where im at. Very inconspicuous and good high. Anyways goodluck don't end up getting caught with something that you could have prevented.


Well-Known Member
you need 5+ plants within a 10x10 area to pick up the heat, rule of outdoor growing, never plant them all together