Safe to ship grow box?


Active Member
looking at a premade mini fridge growbox from hgh... would this be safe to ship to my house, or should i ship to a different address like the seed?

anyone ever have problems getting a complete growing setup shipped directly to grow site?

not sure if im gonna build my own or buy a premade mini fridge... but is shipping this sort of supply safe?
I had a turnkey grow cab delivered to my house, no problems at all. It came wrapped up in black plastic wrap.
some companies have to use their own shipping ie like freight trucks and shit because its too big to get delievered by ups, fedex, etc
not making jokes, im dead ass serious.

i know if i was to order something like that...and it came on a 18wheeler.... i damn sure couldnt handle the heat.

especially with my nosey neighbors.... they would question me too much
well i live in the city - a busy area, so there's always tons of trucks around my block. The site says they use a freight carrier. just trying to weigh in my options.
well i live in the city - a busy area, so there's always tons of trucks around my block. The site says they use a freight carrier. just trying to weigh in my options.
When I had mine delivered they asked if a 40' truck could come down our road, to which I said yet. At least it didn't come on a big 18 wheeler.

Having it arrive by a non-std freight carrier (ie not UPS Fedex ect) isn't too much out of the ordinary as we have those trucks coming into our neighborhood frequently.

If neighbors are that nosy to ask what you're getting delivered, say a fridge, cabinet, computer, make some shit up.
well i live in the city - a busy area, so there's always tons of trucks around my block. The site says they use a freight carrier. just trying to weigh in my options.

Freight carriers like yellow freight are great,they are in & out & couldnt give 2 shits about what their dropping off,unless they want to steal it for themself then thats a different story.

If you are paranoid have it shipped care of your local UPS Store,the UPS stores are privately owned & not part of UPS,the freight company would drop off the package at the UPS Store then you go pick it up & pay the UPS Store a handeling fee for collecting the package.

Ive shipped many things this way over the years.