Safer brand organic bug killer


Well-Known Member
i sprayed this all over my plants and buds... most of the pistils on my plant were white yesterday, and today (the day after i sprayed) they are almost ALL brown and shrivled up... is this bad?


Well-Known Member
Its bad that you did it, but the pistils really don't have a purpose for any growing Sensimilla(bud).
The pistils only purpose is to transfer pollen and fertilize the seeds. Since you are not breeding, then you should not have a problem.

However, why did you spray the plant. There are much better ways to get rid of bugs(depends on what kind). Do some research next time or post a thread here. I am more than willing to help you out.



Well-Known Member
mites, caterpillars... What are the much better ways besides spraying bug spray? i dont know what else you could do with bug spray besides spray it.


Well-Known Member
and how can SPRAYING be bad if the aftermath from spraying (pistols turning brown) is not bad???
Plants absorb through leaves as well. I usually leaves chemicals as a last resort, because often it wont get rid of the problem. I don't think the spray wil get rid of them. What's in the spray?

With mites, you should try to contain them.

Try this method. 1. Get Perithium.
1. Spray all your leaves to hell with water to get every mite off the leaves and on the top soil.
2. Spray the top soil will perithium to kill the mites.
3. Add perthium to water and feed the soil.
4. wait one day.
5. Flush the plant 3 times the amount of the pot size
6. cover your soil with a layer of sterilized sand( just throw the sand in the oven at 300 degrees for half an hour to sterilize)
6. Toss a net over your plant.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Two very effecting organic solutions. Say'ranor'a, soil bean extract, designed for mites and PM. expensive but effective.
Other is SM-90. Its not ment for bugs but as a wetting agent but a tip from a very respect 'all organic' grow whos repsonsible for many many many peoples meds in B.C. They can only use organic products and that being said the SM-90 works JUST like the Say'ranor'a solution. Also smells good :) Both do actually ha.
BTW. Brushing or lightly bumping into your pistils does cause the hairs to brown and discolor. Bad news, bud may look darker than as it should be. They do darken and turn color when maturing but generally a light pink, amber and some red but not brown. I dont know who likes brown bud ha! later