salvia trip


hey guys i recently smoked salvia with some friends i used a pipe..and all i did was laugh...a couple days later ... i used a bubler with a butane lighter like the guy at the smoke shop said and i still just laughed...i smoke weed every day and the strength was 21X i was wondering if i need stronger shit or am i tripping when i laugh a lot? any advice or experiences are welcome...THX


Active Member
i had 40x and i tripped... its just so unexplainable.. and when u got high potentcy salvia and u try to explain it in words... you just sound dumb lol...

its fucked up... and i smoked it out of a pipe.


the first time I did salvia I actually had an out of body trip on only 10x

I ripped two gbs of only 10X back to back. I had been smoking on some ak-47 for about an hour before ripping the gbs and I mixed the bowl with a little ak. I took the first hit, then immediatly took the second hit. At first I just fell back onto the couch and couldn't move my arms and legs, then I was overcome with this intense euphoria and just laughed my ass off. About 2 minutes after the second hit I started to go a little numb and it felt like my jaw was falling off. I wasn't scared because it was such a warm feeling...I just felt like it was falling off but I knew it wasn't. After of 3 minutes my head fell back and I tripped, I was in sort of like a semi conscious state where I could still see what was going on around me but I wasn't there. I felt like I was falling through a hole for a literal eternity, as I was falling everything that I was passing around me was what was happening in the real world I was observing. It was as if I was experiencing everything that had ever happened and watching it pass right by me. I can't tell you how long i tripped for in my mind, I don't really remember. The next thing I remember is hearing someone call my name. I remember my eyes slammed open and I blinked a few times. I said "this isn't real" and I remember feeling 100% convinced nothing I knew was right and everything I had ever done in my life wasn't real. I felt light and euphoric for about 15 minutes after that.

It changed me... I can't really explain how but it was definatly for the better

I've done higher x since but that was my first ever trip on anything...truly awesome, I highly reccomned atleast one good salvia trip in your lifetime


Active Member
agreed... use it before they make it illegal.... funn... you can just buy it from a convenience store.. i didnt even have to be 18... i bought it when i was like 16 long time ago.


Active Member
fuck that shit! you get sweaty as hell and it only lasts for 3 mins and you might pass out. anything over x40 is crazy to hit in a bong when your friend told you its ash weed so I cashed that shit and passed out lol fun but to sweaty. Do LSD!


Well-Known Member
Im going to grab some salvia again. Probably 60x or 80x. Funny thing about salvia, its reverse tolerant. Meaning the more you smoke the less tolerant you get to it. Fun fun.


ok ima try again...i watched my friend sit on my bed staring at the crack where the wall and bed meet for like 3 minutes while he lay unable to was hilarious, ima try again c how it goes


ok ima try again...i watched my friend sit on my bed staring at the crack where the wall and bed meet for like 3 minutes while he lay unable to was hilarious, ima try again c how it goes

that shit

when i smoke it.... i can feel my veins in my body

and the cold sweat.... its just horrible
I usually sit on a bed and as soon as I blow out the smoke I fall back hard on the bed and feel like I'm pulled thru it into another dimension. Harsh shit!

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
Omg ,,,,i have a crazy ass story but dont feel like typin it alll out sorry,,
i loved my trip i smoked some 60x a few weeks ago and tripped like i was on 4 stamps for 10 mins and felt like forever just like lsd,,,, i love this plant i laugh so hard my neighbors came over they thought i was yellin lmao ..... try explainin that one lmao... hay neighbors.... oh yeah im good ...comedy centrals getttin good these days lmao ... ok bye lmao

get cold sweat
reverse tolerance is a def... lmao the more you smoke the more you feel it ... well i should say see it lmao
i love it but i like my candy lmao