Sanders calls out US policy towards Israel


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U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders said yesterday that U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East cannot be “pro-Israel.”

The Democratic 2020 presidential candidate, who is Jewish and has lived in Israel in the past, made the remark Friday on the "Pod Save America" podcast.

“Our policy cannot just be pro-Israel, pro-Israel, pro-Israel,” Sanders said. “It has got to be pro-region, working with all of the people, all of the countries in that area.”

During a recent town hall meeting on CNN, the Democratic presidential candidate referred to the current administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “racist government.”

“I read Secretary Clinton’s speech before AIPAC. I heard virtually no discussion at all about the needs of the Palestinian people,” Sanders said. “Of course Israel has a right to defend itself, but long-term, there will never be peace in that region, unless the United States plays an even-handed role, trying to bring people together and recognizing the serious problems that exist among the Palestinian people ... There comes a time when, if we pursue justice and peace, we are going to have to say that Netanyahu is not right all of the time.”

“The goal must be to try to bring people together and not just support one country, which is now run by a right-wing, dare I say, racist government,” Sanders said, adding that Netanyahu “is treating the Palestinian people extremely unfairly”.

Oh well, Bernie just fucked himself hard, again, as far as American voters are concerned, because historically the US has sucked Israeli dick since it's founding, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Now Trump will probably call him an anti-Semitic self hating Jew (lol)

The man is right, but his lofty goals will never be accepted by the dimwits in this country, and that is very sad, but at least he has the balls to speak the truth, and I admire that.
The US has used Israel to protect the supply of oil to big oil companies. It's always been about oil. Still is. We use religion and racism to justify what we do for oil. Sanders will be heavily criticized by US Jews for this, but their cries would be fall on deaf ears were it not for oil.
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders said yesterday that U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East cannot be “pro-Israel.”

The Democratic 2020 presidential candidate, who is Jewish and has lived in Israel in the past, made the remark Friday on the "Pod Save America" podcast.

“Our policy cannot just be pro-Israel, pro-Israel, pro-Israel,” Sanders said. “It has got to be pro-region, working with all of the people, all of the countries in that area.”

During a recent town hall meeting on CNN, the Democratic presidential candidate referred to the current administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “racist government.”

“I read Secretary Clinton’s speech before AIPAC. I heard virtually no discussion at all about the needs of the Palestinian people,” Sanders said. “Of course Israel has a right to defend itself, but long-term, there will never be peace in that region, unless the United States plays an even-handed role, trying to bring people together and recognizing the serious problems that exist among the Palestinian people ... There comes a time when, if we pursue justice and peace, we are going to have to say that Netanyahu is not right all of the time.”

“The goal must be to try to bring people together and not just support one country, which is now run by a right-wing, dare I say, racist government,” Sanders said, adding that Netanyahu “is treating the Palestinian people extremely unfairly”.

Oh well, Bernie just fucked himself hard, again, as far as American voters are concerned, because historically the US has sucked Israeli dick since it's founding, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

Now Trump will probably call him an anti-Semitic self hating Jew (lol)

The man is right, but his lofty goals will never be accepted by the dimwits in this country, and that is very sa
d, but at least he has the balls to speak the truth, and I admire that.

health for all, a living wage and education..lofty?:lol:

since you admire Sanders, perhaps you'll consider voting for?

don't forget..'no two state solution..' - Nettie
From the start anyone criticizing Israel has been tagged and painted as an anti-Semite. Following the horror of the Holocaust it was easy.
There are those who claim that saying something bad about a Jewish country (the only Jewish country) is anti-Semetic (sic), which is really similar to being anti-Semetic. In fact, according to other sources, Sanders' being a Jew is no defense.

The US has used Israel to protect the supply of oil to big oil companies. It's always been about oil. Still is. We use religion and racism to justify what we do for oil. Sanders will be heavily criticized by US Jews for this, but their cries would be fall on deaf ears were it not for oil.
And don't forget the upfront cash.
The American political parties, all of them, have relied heavily on Jewish contributions since eternity, and now Israel and Trump are reaping the benefits.
One way or the other, it's all about the money and if morality had anything to do with it, there would be peace in the ME.
The modern day state of Israel was founded on terrorism. Literally terrorism with car bombings, IEDs, outright assassinations. By the very people considered heroes of Israel. It’s open history. It’s easy to learn about. The world gave in and that’s a major reason Israel was given to the Jews at the expense of the Palestinians who have lived there since before the Jews were ever there the first time.
There are those who claim that saying something bad about a Jewish country (the only Jewish country) is anti-Semetic (sic), which is really similar to being anti-Semetic. In fact, according to other sources, Sanders' being a Jew is no defense.

Well, there are a lot of anti-Semitic Jews in the US then, that align themselves with Sanders opinions, because most think Netanyahu is a cock sucker and staining both the Jewish faith and Israel
the Palestinians who have lived there since before the Jews
I thought that once the Israelites escaped from Egypt and wandered in the desert for decades, they walked into an uninhabited area.
There were actually people in Palestine before the Jews showed up?
Well, what do you know, ain't that something.
I thought that once the Israelites escaped from Egypt and wandered in the desert for decades, they walked into an uninhabited area.
There were actually people in Palestine before the Jews showed up?
Well, what do you know, ain't that something.
Read the Bible. God wouldn’t let Moses enter because he killed the Egyptian overseer. But he did let him see the place and Moses noted people already there. When he mentioned that to God supposedly God told him they were to go take it and everything those people had.