Sara Palin, reconsidered.


Well-Known Member
Last night I was watching tv with my mother. While channel surfing we came across the Gretta Van Strokevictim show on fox news.

She had this guy on giving the full run-down on the latest duck dynasty drama. My mother requested I leave it there, and I did. It was a very good segment. After it was over, she plugged her next segment, same topic, but with Sara Palin. Mom wanted to watch that also, so we did.

Now, let me just say this. I have never been a big Palin fan. But I have often thought that the critics of here have been unfair. And I cannot understand the hatred she seems to engender from the left. Sure, I would love to have a three-way with her and her daughter, Bristol, but my 'love' for her runs no deeper than that.

I didn't look much into her in 08' because I didn't vote for McCain, I refused to. When he announced who his running mate was, I said WTF like everyone else and went on with my life.

I never thought of her as overly dumb, or anything negative. Since the most oft criticism of her, the "I can see Russia from my house" was not even said by her, I have been equally dismissive of her critics.

I guess you could say I maintained an intentional ignorance of Mrs. Palin; bewildered equally by the adornment she receives from the christianists and the unfair criticism combined with the repulsive hatred directed towards her from the left.

So back to last night. Gretta is talking to Palin about the duck dynasty controversy. In typical Palin fashion, I am underwhelmed by any of her comments, then she made a statement that dropped my jaw.

So, asked to come on national tv and discuss the controversy generated by an interview printed in a magazine article, Mrs. Palin responds to a direct question towards the end of the segment, which to this point had been rather incoherent. Gretta asked her what she thought about the language used by Mr. Robertson in said article, the response, "I have not read it."

How the fuck do you come on national tv to discuss an article about a current controversy, without even taking twenty fucking minutes to read the damned article?

I have finally formed an opinion on Mrs. Palin, I'm glad she did not become VP.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
So you are happy with BarryO and Joe? I would of voted for a clown dressed in a monkey suit before I voted for who we ended up with..And wouldn't you know it, thats exactly what we ended up with..


Well-Known Member
Alaska is the most socialist state in the nation and became more socialist while she was governor. I don't like her though, banning books and pandering to the evangelical right were more than enough for me to form my opinion.

Not a good conservative and not a good socialist.


New Member
Last night I was watching tv with my mother. While channel surfing we came across the Gretta Van Strokevictim show on fox news.

She had this guy on giving the full run-down on the latest duck dynasty drama. My mother requested I leave it there, and I did. It was a very good segment. After it was over, she plugged her next segment, same topic, but with Sara Palin. Mom wanted to watch that also, so we did.

Now, let me just say this. I have never been a big Palin fan. But I have often thought that the critics of here have been unfair. And I cannot understand the hatred she seems to engender from the left. Sure, I would love to have a three-way with her and her daughter, Bristol, but my 'love' for her runs no deeper than that.

I didn't look much into her in 08' because I didn't vote for McCain, I refused to. When he announced who his running mate was, I said WTF like everyone else and went on with my life.

I never thought of her as overly dumb, or anything negative. Since the most oft criticism of her, the "I can see Russia from my house" was not even said by her, I have been equally dismissive of her critics.

I guess you could say I maintained an intentional ignorance of Mrs. Palin; bewildered equally by the adornment she receives from the christianists and the unfair criticism combined with the repulsive hatred directed towards her from the left.

So back to last night. Gretta is talking to Palin about the duck dynasty controversy. In typical Palin fashion, I am underwhelmed by any of her comments, then she made a statement that dropped my jaw.

So, asked to come on national tv and discuss the controversy generated by an interview printed in a magazine article, Mrs. Palin responds to a direct question towards the end of the segment, which to this point had been rather incoherent. Gretta asked her what she thought about the language used by Mr. Robertson in said article, the response, "I have not read it."

How the fuck do you come on national tv to discuss an article about a current controversy, without even taking twenty fucking minutes to read the damned article?

I have finally formed an opinion on Mrs. Palin, I'm glad she did not become VP.
I watched the same show and I believe Greta asked her about some quotes he made in his recent book.


New Member
were you also masturbating, since your wife no longer excites you?
No, I was actually trimming never ending buds while walking my dog on the way to meeting a leftie for a real life showdown right after I got back from San Jose prior to me leaving Portland, ya feel me?


Well-Known Member
Alaska is the most socialist state in the nation and became more socialist while she was governor. I don't like her though, banning books and pandering to the evangelical right were more than enough for me to form my opinion.

Not a good conservative and not a good socialist.
Are you referring to her doing something where the oil companies had to (if I remember right) have to give money to the people of Alaska?

If so, I think that's fairly conservative. Consider that most states would require the oil companies to give the state money and say they made them give it to the people. Except in Alaska it really did go to the people, I guess government was small enough there to not need the extra cash, and not so paternalistic as to think the people couldn't do well with it.


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to her doing something where the oil companies had to (if I remember right) have to give money to the people of Alaska?

If so, I think that's fairly conservative. Consider that most states would require the oil companies to give the state money and say they made them give it to the people. Except in Alaska it really did go to the people, I guess government was small enough there to not need the extra cash, and not so paternalistic as to think the people couldn't do well with it.
don't need a big government when there's so few to govern.


Well-Known Member
So you are happy with BarryO and Joe? I would of voted for a clown dressed in a monkey suit before I voted for who we ended up with..And wouldn't you know it, thats exactly what we ended up with..
No, not happy with them either, but other than Obama care (which I oppose mainly because I feel obama is incompetent, see the website) I can't really think of anything major McCain would have done different. Tarp, bail outs, ect...

Some people say it's a wasted vote, but I voted libertarian, Bob Barr I think was his name. I wouldn't of voted for him if I thought he would of won, but more libertarians need to vote for them if they want the republicans to kick the Christianists out of making policy decisions. Also I live in a state that McCain could have won if he had Joe the plumber as a running mate. Al gore couldn't even win this, his home state.


Well-Known Member
UB thinks socialism is synonymous with big gov't and yet you guys think he's a leftist. Just because he and I have fun tag teaming you buffoons also does not make him a leftist.

Yes bushy, I call Alaska socialist because of the fact that a private corporation is forced to pay the citizens in order to have the right to operate there. However, while that is certainly authoritarian, it's arguably fascist (authoritarian capitalist).


Well-Known Member
No, not happy with them either, but other than Obama care (which I oppose mainly because I feel obama is incompetent, see the website) I can't really think of anything major McCain would have done different. Tarp, bail outs, ect...

Some people say it's a wasted vote, but I voted libertarian, Bob Barr I think was his name. I wouldn't of voted for him if I thought he would of won, but more libertarians need to vote for them if they want the republicans to kick the Christianists out of making policy decisions. Also I live in a state that McCain could have won if he had Joe the plumber as a running mate. Al gore couldn't even win this, his home state.
I would have voted for Jill Stein if it would have been possible. North Carolina (was there at the time) doesn't allow write in candidates with out some hoop jumping so it just wasn't possible for her to receive votes there. She was arrested shortly before the election for protesting over some tree hugger stuff. She's a socialist. Unlike the democrats the Green Party is actually left wing.


Well-Known Member
UB thinks socialism is synonymous with big gov't and yet you guys think he's a leftist. Just because he and I have fun tag teaming you buffoons also does not make him a leftist.

Yes bushy, I call Alaska socialist because of the fact that a private corporation is forced to pay the citizens in order to have the right to operate there. However, while that is certainly authoritarian, it's arguably fascist (authoritarian capitalist).
If oil is on state land, every state would require money, every state would say "we got the money for the people of xxxxxxx."

The difference is that in Alaska, they really did get the money for the people.

National socialism is not socialism at all. It places the state as the most important. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" is a line hitler would have loved to have thought up.

So a state getting "money for the people" and keeping it, and doing god knows what with it, is much more fascist than any other label I can think of.

Between the two nat'l socialist and just plain socialist, the Alaska oil money is socialist, but there are better options. I would just call it the right thing to do.


New Member
Alaska is the most socialist state in the nation and became more socialist while she was governor.
Compensation is not exclusive to socialism my friend. Every permanent citizen in Alaska is compensated from state owned land being leased to oil companies. No centralized government, no socialism, just good ole states rights government at it's best.

I don't like her though, banning books and pandering to the evangelical right were more than enough for me to form my opinion.

Not a good conservative and not a good socialist.
Banning books, really? :lol:

Those rumors, like all the rest of the far left perpetrated lies about Sarah Palin have been proven to be nothing more than a far left smear campaign against her. But hey, we did get a community organizer for their troubles!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Compensation is not exclusive to socialism my friend. Every permanent citizen in Alaska is compensated from state owned land being leased to oil companies. No centralized government, no socialism, just good ole states rights government at it's best.

Banning books, really? :lol:

Those rumors, like all the rest of the far left perpetrated lies about Sarah Palin have been proven to be nothing more than a far left smear campaign against her. But hey, we did get a community organizer instead!
A community organizer from Chicago..That is something to be proud of...There are more politicians in jail from that state then probably any state in america...That should of been a clue..


Well-Known Member
Beennowhere, you must be able to define socialism before you may use the word. Then you make it out as if I started a rumor about her banning books. Just try to be honest.

Capitalism means privatization of resources. Socialism is the opposite. This includes public owned, state owned, nationalized, and unowned. I can understand that you don't know this because socialism is such an abused word but you should at least know what capitalism means. I'm sure you wouldn't suggest Alaska uses a capitalist model for developing resources...


New Member
Beennowhere, you must be able to define socialism before you may use the word. Then you make it out as if I started a rumor about her banning books. Just try to be honest.
Where do you come up with these rules?
You don't have to define socialism before using it, but I must? LMFAO

And I never insinuated you started any rumors about Sarah Palin, I accused you of believing them, my God.

Capitalism means privatization of resources. Socialism is the opposite. This includes public owned, state owned, nationalized, and unowned. I can understand that you don't know this because socialism is such an abused word but you should at least know what capitalism means. I'm sure you wouldn't suggest Alaska uses a capitalist model for developing resources...
I'll agree that socialism is an abused word, trying to correlate socialism with Alaska's Permanent Fund is truly abusing the word. :wall:

Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
When all you do is extoll gop politicians while decrying the foul lot of politicians from the democratic party, you are showing your colors as a republican. When you call Obama a socialist but insist that Alaska's model of resource development isn't socialist, your true colors are showing.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
When all you do is extoll gop politicians while decrying the foul lot of politicians from the democratic party, you are showing your colors as a republican. When you call Obama a socialist but insist that Alaska's model of resource development isn't socialist, your true colors are showing.
I don't want to pop your bubble, but I have many fisherman friends that fish in Alaska and they are there to capitalize on a very big Alaskan resource..I believe the Miners are doing the same thing and the loggers all pretty much capitalize the Alaskan resources..And then we have the oil companies capitalizing on there very large Alaskan resource...When it comes to Alaska it's the best man wins in all their resources, so I don't see what you see that's for sure...