Sativa help anyone...?

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
So I started an unknown plant 2 months+ ago from a package of mixed premium seeds from I do exclusively indoor grows and it seems this particular plant is a pure sativa. It's under 880 Watts of HPS lighting with a few other plants right now. Only 2 weeks into it's flowering phase and it's double the height of all my other mixed plants. I have it LST'ed right now basically bent 90 degrees. Anyone have any hints or tips you've used in the past to control plants that will basically get real tall and lanky? I will keep LST'ing while I can but damn this thing grows fast and I hear sativas can take 4-6 weeks longer than Indicas or mixes. HALPPPPPP!!!!!! In a good way for a change LOL.:lol:

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Way too late for that. Plus I don't like to top. I tried it once with little benefit, and I hear it's not the best way to do things either.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep spinning this bitch in a circle until completion if I have too unless I get a good idea on how to compact her.
That's exactly what I did with one plant I grew. That bitch got way outta control. Pull the top to one side of the pot that it's in, and then as it keeps growing, just make a circle around the pot, tying it down every six inches or so.


Well-Known Member
bring your lights to the floor the plant will bend downwards thats what i have done in teh past but brign them down slowly day by day about 6 inches to a foot per day


Well-Known Member
I'll keep spinning this bitch in a circle until completion if I have too unless I get a good idea on how to compact her.
That's a good solution, get one of those tomato cages and train it around the outside of the frame. Circular scrog I believe the term is.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I guess I'ma just keep tying her down as she gets larger. Thanks for any and all suggestions posted. If only I could live in Canada, or be a Licensed "caregiver" in Cali. You guys got some racket going out there *shrugs* maybe one day.....


Well-Known Member
lol what i did while in flower with my sativa, i got the 2nd node from the top and tied a string around it and then tied it to the pot... it was a rainbow marijuana plant, but then it started forming about 6 new tops from bottom growth.. i decided to cancel the LST and put it back to vrtical growth so i can just have 1 super fatty cola, instead of a bunch of little shits.. now the thing wont stop fucking growing.. but o well ill prob havea 5 ft plant with 1 super fat cola lol..

expect 10-12 weeks.. lol my plan is to put my indica in flower in 1 month so the indica and sativa harvest around the same time lol

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
That's part of my problem, I have the 1 Sativa and a clone of it with 4 other Indica/Sativa mixes which will fully flower in 8/9 weeks when Sativas take a longer period. Just gonna keep going the way I have. Harvest as they come full and then move plants to utilize the light most. Happy growing.:)


Well-Known Member
i was watching this vid of your guy hu owns the greenhouse and he was sayin for his thai tanic he had to put it 4 days in the dark to stop it growing upwards.. imsure he done this when it was a week or two into 12/12 .. dont take my word on it only watch it on a vid but if any1 could in lighten me on this theory im all ears ..