Sativa VS Indica / Light & Heavy Feeders

Cannabinoid Froyd

Well-Known Member
Just curious if any of you have experienced an indica eating FAR less than it's sativa counterpart. Research on this says that Sativas should eat less than indicas but who tf knows if these people are talking bro-science or not.

I have been feeding my plants the same regimen. About 600-700ppm every watering since week 4 of flower, now week 6.

Runoff of S2, the pheno that looks to be sativa dominant, came back with a ppm value of about 650ppm.(Most leafy)

Runoff of S5, Indica Dom, came back at 1k ppm
(Most average growth of the 3 plants)

Runoff of S6, Indica Dom, came back at 1,300 ppm (Largest plant and largest stalk)

I assumed that s6 being the biggest plant that the numbers would sort of be flipped. But that isn't the case. It is possible that I may have a PH imbalance in the soil. Will have to check it.

Just curious what you've experienced with sativas & indicas and if this seems normal or not.
If they are hybrids, who knows, could be indica-like in appearance with sativa-like nutritional requirements...and physically larger plants may need more quantity of nutrients, but doesn't necessarily mean they need a higher concentration of them in the water.
Certainly odd genetics.
It's not sativa vs indica when you're growing hybrids.
The breeder stated indica but I got a pheno that looks and grows like a sativa. I feel like the genetics are hybrid and not as stated by the breeder.

Just didn't know I was growing hybrids. They are from Vashon Seeds, "Peanut"
I've tried getting info on the cultivar but so far I haven't had any luck getting a response from them. Not on Facebook, a dot org site or by email.

Likely the first and last time I'll try their stock.
The breeder stated indica but I got a pheno that looks and grows like a sativa. I feel like the genetics are hybrid and not as stated by the breeder.

Just didn't know I was growing hybrids. They are from Vashon Seeds, "Peanut"

I don't know what your growing. The description for Peanut just says old indica so that's what you should have if the description is accurate.

That outfit is just 150 miles north of me. Want me to take a drive and see what I can find out? Just kidding. :mrgreen:

How is the health of the plants? If they're healthy then don't worry about anything. Soil runoff is very inaccurate and if the plants are healthy that's what matters.

Regardless of what you're actually growing, indica, sativa, hybrid, it's what you're growing now so all you can do is keep them healthy until harvest and enjoy what you get.

Good luck.
Smaller plants generally consume less of everything. Just because plants come from breeder's suggestion a dominate strain doesn't guarantee strain stability. It takes years to create genetically stable seeds, very few seed producers take enough time to produce quality seeds. Hence why seeds are so damn expensive and why you should make your own. Tiresias mist is 20$ on amazon
My current tent grow is 2 Indica and 2 Sativas (landrace) My Sativas I was at the start, feeding them the same as the 2 Indicas. Health looked different on both with the Sativas looking kinda sickly. Went online and now only give my Sativas some PK Booster and Cal/Mag because of the LED lighting. My Indica plants I give the cal/mag and using liquid fish shit/seaweed extract I got off Amazon. So far I think everything is looking pretty healthy as we come to the end of week 3 of flowering. Gonna switch the light schedule to 11/13 to help speed up the flowering
My Sativa Hybrid, which was suppose to be an indica, is actually quite fine. It's the others, the indicas, that are being finicky. One has a bit of paleness to it where the other is similar but has brown spotting down the center line of some older leaves. Couldn't tell if it was a manganese issue or a calcium issue. Started giving them a heavier feed and they seemed to have gotten over it. Still sucks seeing damage on the plants.

The upside, I finally got a ppm meter so I can better track what I am doing.

Thanks for all the help and replies.