SB 1449! Demand the Governator Do Something BEFORE He Leaves Office!


Well-Known Member
Plain and simple, SB 1449 drops the current misdemeanor charge for simple possession of an ounce or less of cannabis to a civil infraction with a maximum fine of $100.

Please visit the California NORML page and click the link to send Gov. Schwarzenegger an e-mail asking him to sign this decriminalization measure into law.

link to text of the bill here

Prop. 19 may or may not happen on Nov. 2. This CAN happen tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I would like to thank everyone who contacted the Governor and drove the point home on this important legislation.

Brothers and sisters....

IT IS SIGNED!!!<click>

It is now a civil infraction and a fine of $100 for possession of one ounce or less of cannabis in the state of California. :hump::hump::hump::hump:

Thank you, Governor Schwarzenegger, for doing the right thing before you left office.

Matt Rize

Question: does this mean that anyone (over 21) can purchase Cannabis in CA? Does this mean that dispensaries can now be just Cannabis stores?

If you can posses 28.5 grams, then you have to get it from somewhere. Right?

post edit, still illegal, just smaller crime. d'oh. still have to get ur medical, dang.