Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl


Well-Known Member
Republicans criticize prisoner swap that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

of course they are unhappy..something got done and obama comes up smelling like a rose..again:finger:

Senior Republicans criticized President Obama on Sunday for releasing five high-ranking Taliban prisoners to secure the return of an American prisoner of war, arguing that it breached longstanding U.S. policy against negotiating with terrorists.

Administration officials strongly defended the swap, saying Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's health and safety appeared in danger after five years in captivity. They said they acted to save the life of the only American held by insurgents after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Bergdahl's parents offered only praise and thanks for the release on Saturday of their 28-year-old son, with whom they had still not spoken.

"There is no hurry. You have your life ahead of you," said Bergdahl's mother, Jani, fighting back tears during a news conference at an Idaho Army National Guard facility in Boise, near the family's hometown, Hailey.
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Well-Known Member
He was a kid when he was captured. 5 fucking years and both sides can only think of the opportunity to make political gains and jabs. Fucking despicable. I hope he decides to travel, I would gladly take him diving and listen to him for as long as he would honor me by speaking. I hope he doesn't allow himself to continue to be a political device.


Well-Known Member
Well. We are about to turn it back over to the Taliban,

So, that makes it an end of conflict, POW swap.

First they wanted $2.1 Million. NO
Release all of Gitmo? NO
Release 21 from Gitmo? NO We will give you 5 and you SDSTFU.
,6? NO

Do you think a shit hole in Quttar is better than Gitmo? Maybe not, Do you think the guards will be more professional? Impossible. IAC, I don't see any indication they were freed.

I do see an indication that a law was stretched again...,,,maybe not.


Well-Known Member
I thought Official policy was that the US did not negotiate with terrorists?

Must have been some negotiating for a 1 for 5 swap.

Obama did an end run around congress again.


Well-Known Member
He was a kid when he was captured. 5 fucking years and both sides can only think of the opportunity to make political gains and jabs. Fucking despicable. I hope he decides to travel, I would gladly take him diving and listen to him for as long as he would honor me by speaking. I hope he doesn't allow himself to continue to be a political device.
He was there as a Political device. He was "captured" in reports that are full of conflicting circumstance, He was "captured" as a political device by a political device,

He was freed by political device,

You propose vacuum. There can be none,


Well-Known Member
Must have been some extenuating circumstances to survive the beheading. Suppose the Sgt Converted to Islam?


Well-Known Member
I thought Official policy was that the US did not negotiate with terrorists?

Must have been some negotiating for a 1 for 5 swap.

Obama did an end run around congress again.
If we were negotiating with tangos we would have sent them to Yemen, not the govt of Quttar.
Talk about hidiously tribal and aligned with the USA. We have a big base in Quttar.

Maybe that is where they are, in a Navy Brig,

And end-run is also a press lie. Congressional Leaders were in on this for the last 2 years.

They all lie, Do you not understand?


Well-Known Member
Must have been some extenuating circumstances to survive the beheading. Suppose the Sgt Converted to Islam?
He surely did, as would I,

He only speaks Pastun fluently, now. English is halting apparently.

So what, if he converted? Wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
This kid is a traitor and a deserter. I hope after they tend to his "medical needs" in Germany they court-martial him and lock him up. Do you know how many GOOD American soldiers suffered and died because of this deserter? He wasn't drafted, he joined of his own free will knowing EXACTLY what was expected of him. Total POS.


Well-Known Member
So what, if he converted? Wouldn't you?
No, converting to Islam in the face of death? I don't think Mohammed goes for that thing. I would imagine the Sgt will come home and be "Disappeared" in a short time. Does he show the Taliban how to fight? What secrets has he given them? Obviously if he converted to save his skin he isn't a real believer and the Taliban know that. I mean he is just some po dunk Sgt in the Nat Guard that no one gives a fuck about, unless of course he is assisting the Taliban, we can't have that. Only the CIA and US weapon manufacturers are allowed to help the Taliban.


Well-Known Member
Must have been some extenuating circumstances to survive the beheading. Suppose the Sgt Converted to Islam?
Various reports say he did anything from wander off to desert to live among them.
He was a very un-happy solider, like ABC, according to his letters.

His Platoon said he as AWOL, he said he was Tail End Charlie on a Patrol, but the Taliban claimed they snatched him from a latrine.

Hey we gave up the entire Nam in negotiations. What is one guy brought home to his family, to that?


Well-Known Member
No, converting to Islam in the face of death? I don't think Mohammed goes for that thing. I would imagine the Sgt will come home and be "Disappeared" in a short time. Does he show the Taliban how to fight? What secrets has he given them? Obviously if he converted to save his skin he isn't a real believer and the Taliban know that. I mean he is just some po dunk Sgt in the Nat Guard that no one gives a fuck about, unless of course he is assisting the Taliban, we can't have that. Only the CIA and US weapon manufacturers are allowed to help the Taliban.
Oh, come on, it is the entire point of Islam. And how would you know>?


Well-Known Member
This kid is a traitor and a deserter. I hope after they tend to his "medical needs" in Germany they court-martial him and lock him up. Do you know how many GOOD American soldiers suffered and died because of this deserter? He wasn't drafted, he joined of his own free will knowing EXACTLY what was expected of him. Total POS.
Please explain to me. Your level of hatred is extreme.


Well-Known Member
Various reports say he did anything from wander off to desert to live among them.
He was a very un-happy solider, like ABC, according to his letters.

His Platoon said he as AWOL, he said he was Tail End Charlie on a Patrol, but the Taliban claimed they snatched him from a latrine.

Hey we gave up the entire Nam in negotiations. What is one guy brought home to his family, to that?
Gotcha. Thanks for info.


Well-Known Member
And Drama would not I gut you in a heartbeat if it was the only way to save myself?

Oh Yes, I am cadre of one,