Scott Pilgrim vs The World.


If you haven't done so already you should watch it and watch it high as a fuckin' kite!!
It just doesn't have the same effect when sober.


Well-Known Member
Damn girl your sure posting a lot of threads tonight..must be lonely the movie on dvd...


Active Member
haha. No amount of weed could make this movie cool (in my opinion). I only say this because I had a couple bowls of Ak topped with some honey oil in the parking lot 5 minutes before the movie started and was high as shit and still left the theater thinking "What the fuck did i just watch?" Honestly I wish i could have those two hours of my life back..It might be cool if you're a young adolescent female who wants to gargle Michael Cera's marbles though


Active Member
30? That really suprises me. What are you basing this off of? I am 21 myself. If you said everyone who is 14 loves it I would find that easier to believe


Well-Known Member
I'm basing it off of my generation digging the flick. I work with/have a lot of friends in that age range and it's been unanimous so far for them to like it. Again, everyone else, not so much.