Screen Drying


I need to know if it will harm the buds to cut them off the stem and place them on screen to dry. Rather than hanging them first. I have limited use of hands, trying to simply my harvest/drying/cure. Would appreciate help:roll:


Well-Known Member
Some people say the other way gives better quality, but it certainly works to dry them on a screen. How quickly they dry probably has more to do with quality than anything - don't pile them higher than an inch or 2 and check on them constantly. Bud molds very easy.

A tiered drying net makes harvesting easier and gives you a ton of surface area to dry your bud on. If you get a hanging scale, you can weight the whole net, which is nice.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing local shop has one net for 30 bucks and its a 5 or 6 teir it says can hold up to 2 ounces a teir.


Well-Known Member
It only affects the looks of the bud. Laying on a screen creates flat spots. The bottom corner of jars also flattens buds but it's not as noticeable and it only happens to the buds on the very bottom. Hanging gives the best look. Most people I know hang for a few days then switch to jars. It's just easier. To hang cure you would need to build a Large sealed box. However using wood can affect the taste and smell. Glass and steel are preferred over wood but they are harder and more costly to work with. So as a matter of practicality and cost savings curing in glass mason jars or brown unbleached paper bags is what most people do.

Since I grow for personal use and I grow large amounts at a time, I opt to use a drying rack then cure in large mason jars. The rack isn't ideal but it saves space, so the trade off in looks is well worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing local shop has one net for 30 bucks and its a 5 or 6 teir it says can hold up to 2 ounces a teir.
8 tier ones I got will hold a pound before it dries - 2 ounces a tier is really conservative unless it's really narrow.


Good if you grow a lot. They seem to rip / snag periodically, if the stems catch, so an extra or two might not be bad.