Screw birthday parties.


Well-Known Member
Welp just venting. Work my ass off. Excited about a 3-day weekend. Nope. Today I'm getting dragged to my wife's friend's house for her kids bday. Have to drive over a hour and a half and it just annoys the fu k out of me that my weekends are always booked up with shit to do that I don't want to do. Especially when it's a surprise and I thought I was gonna go hiking today and looking for mushrooms. Nope. Now going to shitty birthday party. And wasting money and 50% of the day.

-rant over
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Oh boy, I don't know if you are aware of this but when you're married you got to do all kinds of shit you don't want to do. You throw some kids into the mix and you don't even have a life. The trade-off is like sex on demand and you know like a soulmate for life and shit. I've been married like 12 years had a kid for 10 of those years. I can't remember the last time I went hiking and looking for mushrooms by myself. I don't think I've done anything by myself in a decade lol.
Oh boy, I don't know if you are aware of this but when you're married you got to do all kinds of shit you don't want to do. You throw some kids into the mix and you don't even have a life. The trade-off is like sex on demand and you know like a soulmate for life and shit. I've been married like 12 years had a kid for 10 of those years. I can't remember the last time I went hiking and looking for mushrooms by myself. I don't think I've done anything by myself in a decade lol.

Lots of truth to what you're saying there haha. I do the things I don't want to and carry myself the way I should but I still have my feelings about some things and sometimes it's just "ugggh not today"
^^^^^^ this is the way. Far a wise man once said it is much better to complain to strangers than to be an asshole to your family ( and not get laid for a week or so ) . Save the relationships that are truly important.

P.S. birthday party’s are awesome on shrooms . J/S o_O
"I'm not willing to share oxygen with them" is the most direct statement I have ever made, and I do not regret it.

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I'm at the point in my marriage where I just say "I'm not going". Wife knows what I will and won't do. So it works out I think it takes time to get to that point. Also I'll take my daughter to stuff and don't expect wife to go. It is a balance. Good luck with it.

Yeah my dad and his wife are the same way you describe and we are newly married so yeah I gotta build up my karma and rep before I unlock all the perks. Lol
^^^^^^ this is the way. Far a wise man once said it is much better to complain to strangers than to be an asshole to your family ( and not get laid for a week or so ) . Save the relationships that are truly important.

P.S. birthday party’s are awesome on shrooms . J/S o_O
I'm sitting at this party as we speak and I have a good stash of cubes RN and I'm tight I didn't bring a gram or something lol. I didn't really know what the ppl or vibe would be like but now that I'm here it's mostly couples staying to themselves and I could a been staring at the river wavy. Oh well more experience points for next time.
My sister had about 70 people at a b-day party for her 2 y.o., and I thought to myself, "God, I hope this isn't going to be an annual thing!".

I drove 4 hours each way, and spent the night in a sleazy motel, for my sister! :o She freakin' nagged me about coming for months....Something about I'd never even seen the kid....Sheesh, you want me to see it that bad, you drive the 4 hours and ruin your weekend!:o:o:o:lol::lol::lol:
I got married with the fact that I won’t stop snowboarding twice a week and biking in the off season.
My wife respects that and wants me to be happy and healthy.
She gets a happier partner as a result.
I now still do solo rides and rides w my kids. All with my wife’s support amd assistance.

Its a team effort.

You can’t not do these things in the beginning of a relationship/marriage expecting to get back to them later.
Later never comes.
keep doing what you do or lose it.

Stand up for yourself and your time.
It’s too valuable to piss away.

If your partner is so controlling and overbearing that you can’t get out to exercise and clear your mind;
They aren’t a good fit.

hope you all find peace and happiness in your situations.

We only live once.
Welp just venting. Work my ass off. Excited about a 3-day weekend. Nope. Today I'm getting dragged to my wife's friend's house for her kids bday. Have to drive over a hour and a half and it just annoys the fu k out of me that my weekends are always booked up with shit to do that I don't want to do. Especially when it's a surprise and I thought I was gonna go hiking today and looking for mushrooms. Nope. Now going to shitty birthday party. And wasting money and 50% of the day.

-rant over

Man, I've been there. I had a whole novel written up, but I'll summarize with this:

My dude... That's called resentment and TRUST ME that it's toxic to you and your relationship. You need to communicate with your wife, but you also need to be the man of the house. You need to LEAD your family, not be lead around.

That comes from a place of love, by the way. I know your pain.
Welp just venting. Work my ass off. Excited about a 3-day weekend. Nope. Today I'm getting dragged to my wife's friend's house for her kids bday. Have to drive over a hour and a half and it just annoys the fu k out of me that my weekends are always booked up with shit to do that I don't want to do. Especially when it's a surprise and I thought I was gonna go hiking today and looking for mushrooms. Nope. Now going to shitty birthday party. And wasting money and 50% of the day.

-rant over
Could be worse, I’m in that every year or 3 time period where my wife decides I just should not grow anymore… it’s this cyclical thing… tired of it actually lol but I love my wife zzz
Welp just venting. Work my ass off. Excited about a 3-day weekend. Nope. Today I'm getting dragged to my wife's friend's house for her kids bday. Have to drive over a hour and a half and it just annoys the fu k out of me that my weekends are always booked up with shit to do that I don't want to do. Especially when it's a surprise and I thought I was gonna go hiking today and looking for mushrooms. Nope. Now going to shitty birthday party. And wasting money and 50% of the day.

-rant over
totally agree, this happened to me a few weeks ago.. and for a 2 year old no less..

my wife is usually pretty great with these things, she (obviously) knows it's not my thing and usually tells people yes for her but not sure if I will be free when she gets the invite.. but every few she makes me go to.. lol