Screw me!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Actually, what I wanna/meant too say is fuck me, but I'm trying to be somewhat polite for this thread's title.
Motherfucking Republicans won't concede Biden's OVERWHELMING victory over that supposedly Human piece of shit Trump.
AG Barr has initiated an investigation by the FBI to actively investigate supposed voter fraud.
That fat/useless fuck Pompeo stated today that there are no plans for a transition.
The head of the General Services Administration, the agency in charge of the seamless transfer of power also has refused to cooperate.
McConnell/Graham/Cruz/McCarthy have also refused to accept the results
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking counrty?
Biden has almost 3 million more votes than Trump, & that's a fucking fact..
He has 279 Electoral votes as it stands right now at this moment, and all he needed was 270, also a indisputable fact.
This country is BLOWING THE FUCK UP between COVID-19/BLM/unemployment/bankruptcy & the Republicans still want to play fucking games?
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, will we ever get our shit together?
I think not
Peace out/wear a mask & try too stay safe.
Actually, what I wanna/meant too say is fuck me, but I'm trying to be somewhat polite for this thread's title.
Motherfucking Republicans won't concede Biden's OVERWHELMING victory over that supposedly Human piece of shit Trump.
AG Barr has initiated an investigation by the FBI to actively investigate supposed voter fraud.
That fat/useless fuck Pompeo stated today that there are no plans for a transition.
The head of the General Services Administration, the agency in charge of the seamless transfer of power also has refused to cooperate.
McConnell/Graham/Cruz/McCarthy have also refused to accept the results
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking counrty?
Biden has almost 3 million more votes than Trump, & that's a fucking fact..
He has 279 Electoral votes as it stands right now at this moment, and all he needed was 270, also a indisputable fact.
This country is BLOWING THE FUCK UP between COVID-19/BLM/unemployment/bankruptcy & the Republicans still want to play fucking games?
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, will we ever get our shit together?
I think not
Peace out/wear a mask & try too stay safe.
Alright citizen Coyne, cough up a bag a month for Joe, that's right, the proceeds of one bag of pot is donated to the democrats or some one else dedicated to erasing the stain from the back of Uncle Sam's pants. Put a plant in and sell the proceeds for Joe, call the fucking thing Joe and tell folks that's where the cash goes, put a special sticker on the bags!

Make it a strong Kush plant and call it sleepy Joe! ;) :lol: Everybody has to do their part and you can grow dope!
Actually, what I wanna/meant too say is fuck me, but I'm trying to be somewhat polite for this thread's title.
Motherfucking Republicans won't concede Biden's OVERWHELMING victory over that supposedly Human piece of shit Trump.
AG Barr has initiated an investigation by the FBI to actively investigate supposed voter fraud.
That fat/useless fuck Pompeo stated today that there are no plans for a transition.
The head of the General Services Administration, the agency in charge of the seamless transfer of power also has refused to cooperate.
McConnell/Graham/Cruz/McCarthy have also refused to accept the results
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking counrty?
Biden has almost 3 million more votes than Trump, & that's a fucking fact..
He has 279 Electoral votes as it stands right now at this moment, and all he needed was 270, also a indisputable fact.
This country is BLOWING THE FUCK UP between COVID-19/BLM/unemployment/bankruptcy & the Republicans still want to play fucking games?
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, will we ever get our shit together?
I think not
Peace out/wear a mask & try too stay safe.
Yep, Sleepy Joe, a great strain name for a strong Kush that couch locks ya, clams ya down and makes ya pass out! It helps to sooth terror, hopelessness and depression. :lol:
Actually, what I wanna/meant too say is fuck me, but I'm trying to be somewhat polite for this thread's title.
Motherfucking Republicans won't concede Biden's OVERWHELMING victory over that supposedly Human piece of shit Trump.
AG Barr has initiated an investigation by the FBI to actively investigate supposed voter fraud.
That fat/useless fuck Pompeo stated today that there are no plans for a transition.
The head of the General Services Administration, the agency in charge of the seamless transfer of power also has refused to cooperate.
McConnell/Graham/Cruz/McCarthy have also refused to accept the results
What the fuck is wrong with this fucking counrty?
Biden has almost 3 million more votes than Trump, & that's a fucking fact..
He has 279 Electoral votes as it stands right now at this moment, and all he needed was 270, also a indisputable fact.
This country is BLOWING THE FUCK UP between COVID-19/BLM/unemployment/bankruptcy & the Republicans still want to play fucking games?
Jesus fucking Christ Almighty, will we ever get our shit together?
I think not
Peace out/wear a mask & try too stay safe.
You'll feel better when the jail cell doors clang shut, they will be like church bells peeling when the rats start running and squealing. Count on it.
Alright citizen Coyne, cough up a bag a month for Joe, that's right, the proceeds of one bag of pot is donated to the democrats or some one else dedicated to erasing the stain from the back of Uncle Sam's pants. Put a plant in and sell the proceeds for Joe, call the fucking thing Joe and tell folks that's where the cash goes, put a special sticker on the bags!

Make it a strong Kush plant and call it sleepy Joe! ;) :lol: Everybody has to do their part and you can grow dope!
I signed up for the Biden campaign in January & donate automatically $20 a month
Now that he won I just hope they stop hitting me up.
I did my duty :)
Yall democrats are fucking hypocrites I swear ...

Everyone knows what day INAUGURATION DAY is. So you bitchey ass liberals are just going to deal with.
All of the trumpkins I know around me are crying. Flags and signs still going strong. It would crush them to admit they are wrong.
They've got hard days ahead when the shit storm and trials begin, let them disagree with the juries. If I were you, I'd take up preaching the Gospel and asking real hard moral questions on specific issues. I'd call em out if they claimed to be a Christians and tell them the Bible says, you will know them by their actions and those speak louder than their words which are often false. An atheist who knows scripture is a dangerous thing! ;) Take the Bible and beat the fuckers with it while spouting fire brimstone and prophecy like mosses. Go over the seven deadly sins in detail and see how Cheeto Jesus stacks up.

You get to heaven by attaining a state of grace in Christianity, not shaking and quaking at the front of a church where you are saved and your ticket through the pearly gates is punched early. Not even God presumes to judge a man until his days on earth are done.

Proverbs 20:11
Even a young man is known by his actions--whether his conduct is pure and upright.
Matthew 7:20
So then, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Yall democrats are fucking hypocrites I swear ...

Everyone knows what day INAUGURATION DAY is. So you bitchey ass liberals are just going to deal with.
Most who lose are man enough to admit it, Joe is doing fine, Hilary lost by less and had a bigger popular vote and she was more of a man than Donald. Trump and Pence were visiting the WH by now being hosted by a gentleman, one of the best and most honest presidents America ever had, Barrack Obama.