SCROG 400w in Flower - Multi-strain - Second grow

I started up a journal but unfortunately have had no replies. In need of some advice, I am starting a separate thread to discuss the process of weaving my plants through the screen. I transplanted from 1 gal pots to 4 gal, and then place the netting in. It looks good so far but im not sure exactly how I should go about weaving the plants. Heres some pics of my tent after the screen was put in place (yesterday).

Day 38 from seed (1).jpgDay 38 from seed (2).jpgDay 38 from seed (3).jpgDay 38 from seed (4).jpgDay 38 from seed (5).jpg

They are approx 38 days old from seed, all are showing preflowers and 3 are in flowering due to autoflowering genes, I plan to flip to 12/12 in a little over a week so hopefully they will fill out the screen a bit before then.
Please reply with some helpful comments, for those of you who run scrogs often, any tips you would suggest? such as how to water, weaving, etc.

Here's a link to my current grow journal, it has pics from when they were smaller as well.
Updats: All plants are now in flower (Day 43 from seed)

I will begin counting flowering time from today, although the autos have been flowering for 2 weeks or so.

Here's an update on the scrog

Day 43 from seed,  Day 1 Flower (1).jpgDay 43 from seed,  Day 1 Flower (2).jpgDay 43 from seed,  Day 1 Flower (3).jpgDay 43 from seed,  Day 1 Flower (4).jpg

I have been shortening the days down from 18/6. 30 minutes every day and 1 hour on some days, I will flip to 12/12 within the next 3 days. They are beginning to stretch already, any suggestions on when I should make the flip? I'm stoked to see these gals in full blooom.

comments are welcome
Update: Day 50 from seed - Week 2, Day 1 of 12/12

2 have really stretched over the past week and im concerned about having to raise the light height. It seems as only one is still stretching.

Day 7  Flower (1).jpgDay 7  Flower (2).jpgDay 7  Flower (3).jpgDay 7  Flower (4).jpgDay 7  Flower (5).jpgDay 7  Flower (6).jpgDay 7  Flower (7).jpg

Im not really sure what to do about the stretching since they will break if I bend at this point and there is also no room to spread em, its 6 plants in a 3x2 space.

Heres a shot with lights off from a few days ago
Day 4 Flower (1).jpgDay 4 Flower (2).jpg

any suggestions are welcome
Day 15 Flower Update

I think they are finished with their stretch, now to start packing on some weight. I hope the light can penetrate enough to yield some good sized buds

Day 15 Flower (1).jpgDay 15 Flower (2).jpgDay 15 Flower (3).jpgDay 15 Flower (4).jpgDay 15 Flower (5).jpgDay 15 Flower (8).jpgDay 15 Flower (9).jpgDay 15 Flower (10).jpg

Comments are welcome

How far down will a 400w penetrate? right now the tip top buds are roughly 3 inches away, the screen it self is about a foot or so.
Update Week 4 Day 1 of Flower
Hey there, I took a few shots on sunday (Day 1 of Week 4)

Day 22 Flower (1).jpgDay 22 Flower (2).jpgDay 22 Flower (3).jpgDay 22 Flower (4).jpgDay 22 Flower (5).jpgDay 22 Flower (6).jpgDay 23 Flower (2).jpgDay 23 Flower (3).jpgDay 23 Flower (4).jpg

the last pic is one of the smallest plants in the garden, I really hope these guys start to bulk up, they look relatively small for how long they've been in flower and Im using a new bulb which im hoping will help increase my yields


Hey buddy, I dont think many people bother with replying here, ive also got no replys... mayb we cud watch each other :)
Yours are looking good for day 28, n trust me they will bulk up
A couple of the leaves look a little droopy on one plant though? Any reason?
Ive never scrogged myself due to me wanting to pull a plant out of the room now n again, I tend to use sog
Intresting strains, wats so special about that paki ryder plant?

Edit: hold on I dont get it, there day 28? into 12/12? that last pic it looks like you have many amber pistils already? that should not be the case unless im missing something?
CircuiT37 Cheers! Thanks for stopping on by, its been getting lonely haha

The reason for the droopiness is that they were on there 5th day since watering/feeding, I always let my plants wilt before watering them, I feel like the little bit of stress in creates can help. this is only my second grow and I feel like i'll go back to no scrog, it's pretty cool and may have a good harvest but I want to either scrog with one plant or top multiple plants. Its a bitch watering these girls and I loved being able to take my plants out to manicure and look at them. with the screen in place its almost impossible to adjust the back plants.

the reason for the amber pistils on the last pic is because thats the autoflowering plant (PRxNL) and its about 3 weeks ahead of all the others. I just had it in the tent while my others were vegging. Im counting the days of flowering based on the biggest plants (photoperiod)

Nothing special about the Pakistan Ryder other than it happened to hermie last grow and produce a ton of seeds for me, resulting in a grow of plants with paki ryder genetics in every


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, to save you raising the light, it wont hurt your plants if you train the main colas back under the screen. It will also help to fill it out too :) good luck, your plants are looking nice though :)
Do you think it'd be possible to do that? it's pretty densely packed in there now, im afraid of breaking what will turn into a cola. there are 6 plants in a 5 sq ft tent.

I would like to be able to get some more use out of my light but i feel like its to bushy for me to do any more training.

would anyone like to predict what the possible yield will be? I know it's far away still and is impossible to tell but just a rough estimate of what you think it could be. my goal is 5 oz, that should hold me over til December.


Well-Known Member
Hmm if there's that many in there you may not be able to. Try putting some screws into the scrog pipe and tie some of the bigger colas out. If you keep tightening it over a few days, within a week you will see a lot more room come back. I used to just tie mine down to the pots they were in. As for yield, I'm guessing about 6-8 ounces....depends how much those big colas fill out, you may end up with 10 :)


Well-Known Member
Also mate, if your plants are well watered then they won't snap that easily. I even used to bend mine over until i felt it give and the colas that came out of it were just as good if not better than the rest of the plant. Don't be afraid to bend em man!


Few thing you can do: Try n trim some of the bottom leafs that are not getting so much light. When you scrog u want to spread the top out and fish them through the wire, the more you weave them through the better the yield. It is a good idea to have a rod to give your stems extra support(don't want your buds to sag the plant, ScSOG method the wire will hold buds up). Total time from beginning to end should be about 45 days. Doing this method you will not harvest too much per plant, but you can harvest more frequently and start on next batch. Before you move over to flowering trim the bottom leaves, but make sure you make clones from them, thus this will be used for your next crop. By the time the clones are ready to flip to flowering, your first batch should be about done(flowering). Harvest and stick clones from first batch into flowering and start on the next veggie clones. continue cycle. You can do just a simple SOG method, approximately 1sq ft per plant. should have goods ready every 25 days or so with two rooms, 1 for the flowering and 1 for your clones and veggie stage. Hope you find some of this usefull.


Just a extra note also, the method you are doing, the plants should not be that high. As soon as they start to pass the wire u need to start weaving and training them where to go. As we know the plant will always grow to the light so as the top gets longer weave more through the wire. You kinda want all the plants to be level, just above the wiring you have. The way you have it some plants are getting more light than others and shading lower plants from the light. The top of your plant will be where most of your bud is at in this method of growing.


Active Member
Looks awesome for 400 watts and how the plants turned out , those rogue tall growing colas look rad .
Thanks for all the comments guys, I will try to tie down some of the big colas where i feel it has space, probably after a water as you mentioned the stems should be more moist. hopefully this will open up some more space.

QCF: thanks for the great info, i'm not sure if i'll be diving into perpetual just yet since I have to travel at certain times of the year. a perpetual would not be feasible for my situation. As for the screen, I tried to keep them as level as possible but most of the screen was filled when I flipped to 12/12 and then the stretch just got out of control for me. I feel like tying down will be the best possible solution considering the situation at hand. I will be able to tie down to the pvc.

eastcoastmo: if i get near 10 oz i'll shit my pants (metaphorically speaking), I hope I can pull that off but I am growing organically which will diminish yields some.
Flower Update: Day

Thought I'd throw up a few pics of the garden on their final day of week 4, i feel that the two on the right will have 5 or 6 more weeks of flower, the front left is taking off every time i water or feed. as im coming along through flowering im trying to plan out my next round, i started some Pineapple Chunk(barney's) and Yumboldt 47(world of seeds). I am trying to figure out how to get these grow while still flowering. Does anyone have any advice on how I can achieve this? I don't want the seedlings to flower from the 12/12 light cycle. Anyways enough talk.

Day 28 Flower (1).jpgDay 28 Flower (2).jpgDay 28 Flower (3).jpgDay 28 Flower (4).jpgDay 28 Flower (5).jpgDay 28 Flower (6).jpgDay 28 Flower (7).jpgDay 28 Flower (9).jpgDay 28 Flower (10).jpg

Here's a shot of the PR, it's showing yellowing on many of the lower leaves, and it seems to be more aggressive. I assume it's N def and gave it a 1/4 dose of veg and 1/2 bloom on the last feeding. fed with molasses today hoping that it will help the plant absorb some of the nutes. can someone confirm that this is in face N def? its showing on a few others especially the oldest.

N def. day 28 flower (2).jpgN def. day 28 flower (1).jpg

Thanks in advance!