SCROG, i made my choice


Well-Known Member
High everyone, i have decided to scrog, and ws wonder can you use CFL's the whole way thought or do you need a hps?


Active Member
CFLs do not penetrate like a hps hid light so the bottom bud my be stringy but if you have enough of them should be good to go

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
C-F-L, C-F-L!!!! I'm on my second grow and I'm a beliver on CFL growing. The only thing is your going to need to pop some of those btiches on the side for extra light penetration. But I've been growing under CFL and 3 things, 1. They are cheap to replace, 2. The give little to no heat 3. They are kind on the electric bill. My yeild was just under 1 ounce and that was was using only 4 26W CFL. Now I'm my second grow and I got 8 and upgrading to 12 in a few days. Again if you go with CFL make sure you mylar the grow space and use as much as you can.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if you're doing a scrog low power hps, and cfls work well. I think the system was invented by a guy growing with tube fluoro's. It works well for these type of lights since they don't have the power to send the lumens as far as the high power lights, so you just gotta keep the lights close to the canopy and you will be rockin. But yeah any little buds under the screen with probably be shit, but you should be focused on the ones on top of the screen.


Active Member
actually scrog is more ideal if you want to use "less" lighting but still obtain higher yields, with scrog though, plant maintainance is a little harder. So yeah it should be the right choice, cant wait for the grow.