SCROG question concerning possibilities


Active Member
Is one lb possible SCROG style. In a 5 gallon bag? I know there's a lot of variants. But I just need to know if 5 gallon bag could get you a whole lb. I'm new to the SCROG this one I have going on in a different thread I'm hoping for at least 10-12 oz. but I'm curious If a lb is do able with only 5 gallons of spaces
I presume you mean if you can yield 1ib dry if you use 5 gallon pots?
If yes then the answer to your question depends. Strain and wattage of lights are factors. I would say yes if your using 600w light and a heavy yielder liek BC Big Bud or Critical+


Well-Known Member
If your willing to take the time to select the right strain, and then select, and carry out the proper training/pruning in a large enough screen...

Your talking about a good 60 days in veg to make it work tho....

Ur prolly better off w/ 3-4 plants in the same size screen, in 3gal pots.... Same size yields in the end, but half the veg time

If you try this, get a good big bud cross, and train/top the piss out of her to help fill in the screen, max size your light can support (prolly)

What are you considering for lighting in this hypothetical situation?
If your willing to take the time to select the right strain, and then select, and carry out the proper training/pruning in a large enough screen...

Your talking about a good 60 days in veg to make it work tho....

Ur prolly better off w/ 3-4 plants in the same size screen, in 3gal pots.... Same size yields in the end, but half the veg time

If you try this, get a good big bud cross, and train/top the piss out of her to help fill in the screen, max size your light can support (prolly)

What are you considering for lighting in this hypothetical situation?
Agreed I would have suggested anything that will help cut down that veg time... and i guess 600w would do great but idk if 1000w are too hot for scrog?


Well-Known Member
I got 2 600's and a 400 all with a seed plant scrogged under each... and the 400 is the most beautiful thing my grow has produced all year. I'd prolly vote for a pair of 400's, and a 250MH in veg, w/ a pair of CFL grow lights changing position around them to encourage veg growth.