
Active Member
Hey guys my plant is about 9 inches tall inside the cabinet i have (signature link) and i built a SCROG that i want to place over it at 8 inches (bring higher nodes under) and start on 12/12. I would say my Veg time has been 3-4 weeks. I was curious due to CFLs not having good penetration, is SCROG a good idea or should i just buy a 150W HPS for the 2x1 ft area im growing in. I have a 1000w in the house but can not run it due to not needing that amount of light and 160 dollars in difference for electric bill.

How long is your veg time by the way?


Active Member
here is some pics of my SCROG, i just implemented this today and it is at 9 inches only two shoots penetrating. Im gonna switch to 12/12 when half is fullIMG_1546.jpgIMG_1545.jpg


Active Member
it is 24 inches wide, 21 inches deep, and 42 inches tall.
Thanks for posting, I am really trying to nail down my grow chamber size and I think that this space wil be pretty close to what I will be building. Possibley 48 x 48 x 18 deep. Just not sure yet.
