Sea of Green HELP

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Ok as I'm getting closer to starting this project I am getting more and more confused. I have a 600w Dim HPS/MH is it possible to do a SOG under one light? Also how many clones should I do a week before I run out of room? I have a 4x4x6.5 tent I was going to do clones in 16 oz Dixie cups veg for 5 days to get use to transplant then under 12/12 light. I have 6 mothers that would be under a 4x2 T5 light. I want to get a harvest every week going.


Well-Known Member
No need to get confused...all the info you need is readily available. You can definitely SOG under one light. You can have one area for your mamas and clones(18/6) in addition to a flowering area(12/12). If it's your first more clones than needed until you dial everything in. The size/space occupied by each will obviously vary depending on many factors so you just need to get up and running asap and be ready to react when you make a mistake...this is part of the process. You can clone weekly or're the it's entirely up to you. I'd keep track of everything so you have a reference point to work with. Videos definitely facilitate the entire process...and can alleviate all the confusion in a very short period of time.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
What I was trying to say is how many clones to take a week from mothers? since im trying to get a harvest a week going. How does 1 clone a week from each mother sound? Six clones a week going into the flower chamber.
Hi LoRd MeGaTR0N31,


not sure I get "a week before I run out of room" !?

you can put 36 ( what I do ) or 49 ( a buddy does that ).


Active Member
Not to be "that guy"... but if it all seems kinda confusing to you. Just take some clones out for the first time, see how that works. As much as all the experienced growers here can help, you're situation is.. well yours. Fill your flower room up with clones, and go from there. When I started, I didn't know wth was going on at all. I didn't understand where the buds came out of etc etc. Once you actually do it, you'll see for yourself what you need to do. And imho... 7/10, it's gonna be the opposite of what someone on some forum or board told you. NOT SAYING don't take their advice, but that's just it. It's just advice. Anyways, good luck to you.

And I've never run a sog. Sorry if this doesn't help you lol.