Sea of Hempy Buckets!!!


Active Member
Hey everybody, it's been a while since I posted anything on the wonderful RIU boards but I'm getting into a new grow and need your help you pothead geniuses!!!

Here is what I want to do: A closet grow with the screen of green approach using hempy bucket methods. I want to do passive hydro on these instead of using a pump and sprayers. Cocoa or perlite for medium. No idea on nutes right now. I want to do it all ORGANIC without question. If anybody has suggestions on building the system and anything else it will be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully this operation will be going into effect within a week.

Thank you and smoke up!


Active Member
Tha setup is going to be a SCRoG grow with CFLs, and party cups used as hempy buckets. Any suggestions would be awesome please!