Sealed or Ventilated Room


Im just finishing up my first grow and already I can see where I need to improve. As it stands at the end of my first grow I have established 1 veg room with a cloner for new clones, a veg table for rooted clones to be transplanted to hydroton, and then a 2nd table for the established clones to finish vegging in prep for the flowering room. There is also a flowering room where I have setup 2 seperate GH Waterfarm systems for flowering. The plan is to have a perpetual grow setup with a month spent in each phase. Currently the rooms have air movement between the two rooms and that is fine.

My problem is how to handle cooling the whole grow area in addition to the lights. At first I had my lights and AC on a closed circuit. This kept my temperatures where they needed to be during the summer. I then added another light and then left the closed system open. A fan blew air into the room and another fan sucked it out threw the AC and the lights, each on their own branch of the vent system. I found this worked too in keeping my temps down but alsoo did a better job in keeping the humidity down. (The AC has not been running).

My next step is CO2 though. My thoughts are that without upgrading the AC(and thus the power too) that i dont have enough cooling in place for 3 - 600w lights. So the closed ventilation system for the AC and lights would not work. (worked fine for one light however).

What would the typical ventilation system be when enriching with CO2? Is it better to have a sealed room setup or do I use CO2 but control the ventilation so it switches on and off with temperatures ?


Well-Known Member
What you are talking about is called a "Texas style" grow room.

This is where your lights need to be air cooled using its own intake feed and running through an air cooled hood and back out of the room, thus making it a sealed air cooled lighting rig.

Then you run AC and Dehumidifiers in the room to control temps and humidity. A stand alone carbon filter and fan running within the room to effectively clean the air within the room and then you need to be using a Co2 setup with monitor.

The HARDEST part alot of the time is completely sealing a room.
