Seattle Hempfest is held Saturday and Sunday, August 18-19


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the world's foremost drug policy reform rally

Seattle Hempfest is held Saturday and Sunday, August 18-19, 10am - 8pm
Hempfest is a cannabis policy reform event that is distinctly innovative in its attitudes and approach. For example we're peaceniks, but after our event is over each year our American flags are folded in the traditional manner out of a love of our country and a respect for those who protect her. At Hempfest we don't see the police as our enemy at all, but rather as our brave public servants who happen to be working for a broken government.

Hempfest lives on, thank you Seattle!


Well-Known Member
lets hope they start expanding to every major city NEW YORK, ATLANTA, LOS ANGELS, CHICAGO, HUOSTON & WASHINGTON DC:hump:
