second grow 600w multi strain


Hey guys and gals this will be my second grow with actual quality seed. My first was with bag seed it was ok nothing special. My set up a 4x4 room with a 600w in a air cooled tube hps 6inch fan with a carbon filter venting out the side of the house. The plants are 4 g13 pineaple express 4 dna genetics kosher tangie 3 Humboldt purple trainwreck 3 ghs white rhino 1 nirvana bubblelicious and 1 ace seed it was from a mixed pack. I am feeding tecanaflora nutes with bud candy bud ignitor and europonic silicate. They went in on 4/20. They average about 9 inches wanted to keep them small to see what a small plant can yield. Any advice and comments are welcomed thanks20140422_001107.jpg20140422_001057.jpg


Active Member
Good luck, looking good!! I've got a kosher tangie and a g13 pineapple express auto going right now as well. My KT is vigorous as hell.


A little update plants got their strech on now they right at the netting. Compared to were they were on friday 4/25 I say a good 3 inches. They are thaking the nutes very well and they are starting to show little buds on the tops. You guys think I suould use some molasses? I use big bud. What do you guys think thanks. Here are some more pics20140429_081816.jpg20140425_131723.jpg 20140429_081743.jpg 20140429_081816.jpg 20140429_081743.jpg 20140425_131723.jpg


Took some pics right at lights off kosher tangie is a monster and so is the pineapple express. Trying a little test took some clones today top and some bottom cuts to see the difference. And some pics of my diy clone machine it works awesome. Thanks for looking any comments are welcome 20140503_115927.jpg20140503_115905.jpg 20140503_145815.jpg 20140503_093705.jpg 20140503_093720.jpg


Update it is day 21 of flower and its looking good got a slight nutrient burn just the tips. Kosher tangie stretched a bit. Made my canopy uneven. The purple train wreck is already got good crystal production. also my clones have some good root. Well here r some pics20140511_120657.jpg20140509_000229.jpg 20140510_000312.jpg 20140511_160318.jpg 20140511_113258.jpg