Second grow, First attempt at DWC.


I have grown a plant from soil, also I have used an Aerogarden as a experimental grow with some auto flowering seeds. I have a Sun systems hood with a 400W metal halid bulb and also a 600W HPS. I'm using (5) 5gallon pails with 6" net pods with one aerostone per bucket with a decent pump with a manifold system to each bucket. I'm using rock wool and hydrocton. It's day 9 and no sprouting. Seeds germinated in 3 days (R.K.S) I planted them in rockwool but It got real hot one day without a fan (86-100) and I fear the seeds are dead? I replanted them in rockwool and im trying again. am I out of luck? what should I do next time


Well-Known Member
Don't know wait and see I guess. Got pic's?
I usually just throw the seeds in a jar of water in about 48 hrs they all crack and show tails. Then I put them in plugs and on a plate and just keep the plugs wet till I see the tap root. Then I put the plugs in cubes and into net pots. Worked great for me.


Well-Known Member
I germ them in rockwool, I put them in a dish with a little water at the bottom. make sure the cubes stay moist not soaked. Put them in a cabinet or your grow room without the light on. When they sprout put the light on and keep it as close as you can without damaging the sprout
If your grow room gets that hot at times you need to fix that first.