Second grow to scrog or not


Active Member
Right now I have my plants in a 3x3 but will be moving them to a 5x5 next week the question is do yall more experienced growers think I should svrog or just let these bushy bitches go right into flower have more than enough light will flower under 2 315w cmh lights most likely



Well-Known Member
If this is your second grow then you should. Those two bushes are going to need to be flipped before the two smaller plants, so youll be seperating them anyway. They will more than likely finish a couple of weeks ahead of the smaller plants also. One has yellowing on the leaves. I dont know if its genetics or a problem but I would watch it. I would keep the two smallest plants in the 3x3 and scrog just the fat girls in the 5x5. Really let it fill the tent scrog and LST'ing. Just an opinion, but I think you will be amazed with the yield that way.


Active Member
If this is your second grow then you should. Those two bushes are going to need to be flipped before the two smaller plants, so youll be seperating them anyway. They will more than likely finish a couple of weeks ahead of the smaller plants also. One has yellowing on the leaves. I dont know if its genetics or a problem but I would watch it. I would keep the two smallest plants in the 3x3 and scrog just the fat girls in the 5x5. Really let it fill the tent scrog and LST'ing. Just an opinion, but I think you will be amazed with the yield that way.
Thank you for the advice!


Well-Known Member
Don’t scrog different strains together and don’t scrog different age plants. You’ll find yourself cutting plants out of it before the last one finishes.
Bigg mistake I made grew 6 different strains at once on my first grow...such a head ache I had tall plants short plants and of course I had them all entangled In a trellis they all finished at different times ended up choping some early
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Active Member
Thanks everyone! The colas are super tight on these plants so maybe I'll just make small screens for the buckets to spread them apart for airflow not necessarily scrog but I should have stated the smaller plants are clones taken off the big ones

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
You can flower 2 different sizes ages/types if you don't net them until after flipping, there not woven into the net it's only holding the canopy in place and keeping it flat.
Front 3 white widow vegged for 4 weeks the back 2 blackberry cake vegged for months, I could easily harvest them individually.

I'm not suggesting that you should do it/try it but its doable with relative ease if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Scrogging even with small screens mounted on each bucket is fine. Even flipping them at the same time. The problem comes at the end if you don't have a way to separate the plants as you harvest. Lots of us dry in the same tent as we grow in, so we harvest all the plants in the tent at the same time. That means some get harvested too early. So as long as you can pull each plant separately for drying you should be fine.