Second grow - was this from lockout?


Well-Known Member
Second grow - watermelon zkittlez week 7 of flower. I noticed a few weeks ago the leaves in the back left were yellowing at points - and I bought an EC meter and found my EC was 4.5 or something high. I had been feeding fox farm nutes per their schedule - soil is ocean forest - however when watering I did not allow much run off so I think I had salt buildup which led to the fucked up and burnt leaves - does that sound correct? PH runoff Is 6.4



Well-Known Member
Second grow - watermelon zkittlez week 7 of flower. I noticed a few weeks ago the leaves in the back left were yellowing at points - and I bought an EC meter and found my EC was 4.5 or something high. I had been feeding fox farm nutes per their schedule - soil is ocean forest - however when watering I did not allow much run off so I think I had salt buildup which led to the fucked up and burnt leaves - does that sound correct? PH runoff Is 6.4
EC of what you were feeding them was 4.5? Or runoff?

Ignore runoff. Measure what you feed going in and feed to some runoff.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, focus on the strength of the feed you are giving the plant. That is what matters. Salt build up from lack of runoff is definitely a possibility for the issues.
I didn't have an EC meter before - nor did I even know what it was (I do now). I'm hoping the next grow is better - dropping the FF trio and using Mega Crop.


Well-Known Member
I didn't have an EC meter before - nor did I even know what it was (I do now). I'm hoping the next grow is better - dropping the FF trio and using Mega Crop.
Try it at 1 ec, and water to plenty of runoff, you'll get the hang of it.