Second hydro grow - closet

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Hello Boy's and Girls, My friends the Bubbleheads, Growers, and Fellow Bud Enthusiasts alike.

The Ray Fox is back. And I've got a new grow for you on its way.

We're sporting the same Hydroponics set up as last time, the ol' Stealth Bubbleponics kit:

With a little extra oomph of course! First we got the best new nutes:The technaflora Liquid Nutrient Kit with B.C Bloom, B.C Boost, B.C Grow, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Thrive Alive B-1 Green, Awesome Blossoms, Rootech Cloning Gel, MagiCal, SugarDaddy and ROOT 66. And We're using the Dual Spectrum II lights from Stealth which delivers 8500 lumens + 3 regular 60 watt CFLs which deliver a combined 11,520 lumens = a grand total of 20,020 lumens. Fun fact: Twice normal sunshine (Thanks Roseman).:weed: I know what you're thinking... Fuck Yeah.

Last time we grew four White Ice plants in a SCROG set up. But complications during the process, including moving the entire grow via car mid flowering, and having the lights fall on them (yes, I know, I know), meant unstable living conditions for the plants. This time, we're giving the babies their proper space with plenty of room and light to get big and strong.

Here's the new grow line up:

Moby Dick (Hashplant)
2. Gigabud
3. Super Lemon Haze
4. Chiesel

The room is already set up, and after making a few security measures we'll get up some pictures in the next few days.

:bigjoint:Glad to be back everyone! :peace:

kali love

Active Member
hey ray good to see you back i remeber following along with your first journal helped me to believe that i in fact could grow mj and now iam in my second grow and i had good results in my first grow chk a link in my sig to swing by my grow i got some pics up too

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

So they've only started growing about a week ago, so at this point there is little to report.

Sadly the Chiesel did not sprout, so instead we chose to do a Thai Super skunk. Not great, but it'll do pig. The Gigabud + Super Lemon Haze are doing fantastically, whilst the Moby Dick had a little bit of a retarded birth but is doing alright now too. It had one of those retard seed hats.

Also, changed the water + added some light nutes to the res which should promote good strong root growth.

hey ray good to see you back i remeber following along with your first journal helped me to believe that i in fact could grow mj and now iam in my second grow and i had good results in my first grow chk a link in my sig to swing by my grow i got some pics up too
And Kali Love, thanks for the love man :joint:. Can't wait to see how they all turn out!

Once the fourth sprouts and once the set up looks fairly attractive then you all can look forward to some pics.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Here's the gang!

They all have quite nice little stalks, and with the boost of some nutes and light they're going beautifully. We're also trying out a time record from grow to smoke. :weed:

Here's the line up:

At 13 days: Gigabud, Super Lemon Haze, Moby Dick

At 3 days: Thai Super Skunk


Sorry for the sideways pics. Will figure out that stupid mac kink soon. :joint: Let us know what you think.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
And just placed the peice de resistance!! Le Air Pumpe. Now the grow is a true bubblehead's delight

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member

So here are some pics of the girls. The Gigabud (front left), the Super Lemon Haze (front right), and the Moby Dick (back right) are 3 weeks old Veg today. And the Thai Super Skunk (front right) is just 15 days old. Can't wait to flower these girls in a few weeks.

They were fed about 4 days ago so we're gonna do a flush tomorrow and throw even more nutes in later. :weed:

Hope all is well. :joint:It is just beautiful to watch so far. :peace:


Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Lookin good, RF !
What and how much are you feeding them right now ?
A cocktail of B.C Boost, B.C Grow, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, MagiCal, SugarDaddy and ROOT 66. I'm doing light doses of those nutes twice a week, flush once.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
So lighting is at 18/6 for now, but I'm thinking of bumping it up to 20 for the next week. Also, doing a flush tomorrow. Thoughts?

I'll be watching Ray Fox. Looking forward to it.
Jig old bean! As always, it is my pleasure to have you as my guest on this thread.


Ray Fox

Well-Known Member

The Gigabud is the biggest so far tee hee :weed: and we topped it. Also topped the Super Lemon Haze which has a nice smell coming off it. For some reason the Thai Super Skunk (front right) has curling leaves :-?, and the Moby Dick in back is too small and probably mildly stunted from nutrients... Hence the flush.

Otherwise all is good and I am QUITE satisfied with their explosive growth.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Okay, so flushed them last night and cranked the light up to 20/4 for the next two weeks. From the look of it, I think the girls can take it. Also, should I hold off from the nutes until tomorrow?

And I might want to try cloning them in about a week.


Well-Known Member
My Thai Super Skunk was topped at the third node and was only vegged for 4 weeks from germination. She's 6 feet tall at least. The rest of those plants are mostly indiga, no? Your about to learn the hell out of some lst'ing! :) Good luck, and yes wait with the flush.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member

So the Gigabud, the super lemon haze, and Moby Dick (the tiny one :cry:) are at almost 4 weeks.

The Thai Super Skunk is at 3 weeks.

Mild nute, wind and heat burn. The water's at a good low temp and I just switched the vegging lights around. They're still at 20 hours of light and 4 dark. And the Moby Dick is still pretty small due to nute lockout I think :wall:, so I flushed for about 4 days and now its growing again but slowly.:cool: So I cut the leaves at the bottom to encourage growth. Tomorrow, I think I will add a gallon and nutes.

All look's great. Leavin it for about a week more before I flower. :joint:

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
So minor problem, the Moby Dick in back is still quite small which means that I should probably wait at least another week till flower and pray that it suddenly grow like the sweet beard of Thor. :weed:

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
So the runt started to grow, but now the other three plants have far surpassed it. So the thing now is, just wait another 3 days, see how they do and then switch em to flowering.

The Gigabud and the Super Lemon Haze have reached deep water and started exploding, in addition, the super lemon haze has gradually gained a scent that has continued to grow in potency. :weed: