Second indoor personal grow 2012

I have lit the fuse on my second indoor grow, putting eight magic beans into moist paper towels on 6-6-2012. We had 100% germination within 36 hours, and they were placed in the incubator yesterday afternoon.

Five are Medicine Man by Mr. Nice.

One is a feminized The OG #18 by Reserva Privada.

Two are unlabeled freebies from Attitude... they came together in a mini-zip just like the other solo freebies do? I dub these Enigma and Mystery... They might suck and they might be mind-blowers? We shall see.

Once they show me some fan leaves, I'll crank up the 4 ft T5 and add some pix.

The general plan is to veg them under the T5 for a few days-1 week, then around a month of veg under MH going up from 600 to 1000w in the grow room, and finishing up under 1000w HPS in the flowering room.

The specifics are still in flux... I might try LST or a small SOG/SCROG? I might even try to source some coco medium? Overall not unhappy with ProMixBX though, just looking at maximum quality for the effort & space available...

_______________ I'M PUTTING MY "LESSONS LEARNED" NOTES FROM GROW # 1-2012 HERE WHERE I AND OTHERS CAN SEE THEM_________________________

My first indoor grow is still flowering, just into week six (wk 11 total) and looking unpossibly good. My biggest mistakes with this "training grow" were those of greed & sloth.

#1 greed: Being 'cheap' and mixing up my own soilless mix. WAY too hot for plant life & almost killt them after their first transplant in week 2. ProMix BX saved the day.

#2 greed: Being 'greedy' and keeping two girls inside who were almost culls. They look fine now (small indica pheno babes) but makes moving around the room perilous... they need 5gl bucket 'pedestals' to keep them up in the light, and that often gets dodgy.

#3 greed + sloth: Being greedy for buds and too lazy to prune in like week 4-5... got a million little sucker shoots poking up off the lower stems... lots of little buds, but poor airflow, gonna need a pith helmet, a machete, and to hack in there by harvest time...

#4 sloth + greed: "Losing track" of one outdoor-type seedling, so now she is wanting to be this Giant WNBA-ish Big Girl. Sativa-pheno with buds like pine-cones LOL! She sits in the corner being out of the way, for now. I'm almost wanting to move her outside, on or after summer solstice. I'm too greedy to risk breaking her arms off though - and yeah, probably too lazy to move her as well <sigh> FML. Three more weeks and she's got a date with the Reaper anyhow :dunno:

So the major themes involve not overloading my little growing space, judicious pruning for airflow & housekeeping, and keeping track of which plant is which. Simple Eh?

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