Secret micro's 2x2 grow tent


Well-Known Member
So i started these plants in like 4oz of potting soil that my mom had lying around these pictures are on august 27th 20230827_094403.jpg
in september they were hating life so i purchased some nutrifield coco bricks and transplanted them into 1 gal pots of coco on sep 320230903_181300 (1).jpg
Here they are on september 15th
they are doing so much better being in coco i started them off with 1ml per liter of micro grow bloom and after they got bigger i started giving them 2ml per liter of micro grow bloom and 1ml per liter of kelp and alfalfa extract or whatever its called.
okay boys these pictures i took them on october second the grow light im using is a 240watt led light i purchased on amazon for 45 dollars :) i am throwing the plants into flower today! i have not topped them and they are regular seeds mass super skunk X haze im also buying a dehumidifier this friday :) <3 :3 off to the races i go! the last 2 grows i have got bud rot and mold :( i hope i get a harvest this run! :(
okay boys i was using a 88cfm inline fan from ipower so i upgraded to a 205cfm spiderfarmer 4 inch inline fan and let me say this is a huge improvement and on low speed settings its silent. also i purchased a ac infinity 6 inch grow tent clip fan for better air flow in my tent and 2 of my 3 plants are female!! the 2 biggest plants are female and the smallest one is male which is wierd cuz people say males are the tall ones lmfao 20231008_185252.jpg20231009_155620.jpg20231008_212858.jpg
today is day 10 of 12/12 <3 :3
well boys i got rid of the 2 small plants that i had due too space i gave them too my uncle one was a male :D this is my super female she filled the space quick <3 :3
i have been pruning the bottom growth slowly a little each day so that i dont mess with the strech <3 :3

today is 10/20/2023 the plant has been stretching like crazy and completely filled out the 2x2 grow tent i have too give her 1 gallon of water/nutrient solution everyday thats fkn crazy!!!! today my carbon filter gets here(hopefully) it has been stinking like crazy.
ppm:1200(800ppm in base fertilizer and 400ppm in additives)
im super scared that i might be getting minor signs of nitrogen toxicity so i might cut back the amount of base fertilizer i give her i might also switch to another fertilizer that doesn't have as much Nitrogen as the one im using not sure yet.

UPDATE! SHES A HERMY! GROW IS DEAD! i have been growing on and off with my brother since 2008 and i have never in my life had a hermy until know! so its been 15 years without a hermy and i finally got one........