Security for Newbies Here



One of my 5 week old sweeties (hopefully not a macho) from seed...

Is this site secure? I am interested in documenting a grow cycle in soil, and give details of the grow including hi-res macro through the various stages. But I am paranoid. Can they track me down from my internet address? Are posts safe here?

I did a search but didn't come up with much, but I am sure it is somewhere on the site. I just can't find it.
View attachment 2405700

One of my 5 week old sweeties (hopefully not a macho) from seed...

Is this site secure? I am interested in documenting a grow cycle in soil, and give details of the grow including hi-res macro through the various stages. But I am paranoid. Can they track me down from my internet address? Are posts safe here?

I did a search but didn't come up with much, but I am sure it is somewhere on the site. I just can't find it.
I suggest you use a VPN service if you're worried about being spied on, there are plenty of easy to use FREE ones these days. They basically re-route your internet around the world making it untraceable. Google "Free VPN"


Not interested in free VPN, though it seems to be a valuable service to anyone who wishes to hide anything. I do not need to hide anything, since I am doing nothing illegal. Only taking shots of my friend's plants. I'll let him take the risk.



Active Member
I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm genuinely curious. If you didn't need to hide anything and weren't worried then why did you ask?


To stimulate discussion. An internet search didn't reveal much regarding security and internet postings. I wonder how many contributors have had problems. It would be reassuring to me as a photographer to be able to post photos of plants as they develop, because like you say, I possess genuine curiosity.

I suspect your motives are a bit more passive aggressive than simple curiosity, but it does not matter. There does not appear to be either stomach nor interest for worthwhile discussion.


New Member
I grow legally n for medicinal purposes so this topic doesn't really concern me but just a little info for u...anything can b tracked and nothing is secure...please do not underestimate the cleverness of the authorities...the man sees what he wants to see n knows what he wants tl know...period....if ur growing on such a scale that u feel u may attract the attention of the law then I wouldn't advise making it public....period


you must not have search too hard there is someone like once a week asking the same question
No I didn't go through the roughly 1000 hits on this site whos subjects ranged from anywhere to car oil and horse manure. Instead of using the time you used to rank on me, why not be friendly and just answer the question?

Not important. I plan no future posts on this website.


I grow legally n for medicinal purposes so this topic doesn't really concern me but just a little info for u...anything can b tracked and nothing is secure...please do not underestimate the cleverness of the authorities...the man sees what he wants to see n knows what he wants tl know...period....if ur growing on such a scale that u feel u may attract the attention of the law then I wouldn't advise making it public....period

Sound advice, thanks. Luckily I don't even have a small grow, but I cannot risk my photos causing legal problems for me.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't go through the roughly 1000 hits on this site whos subjects ranged from anywhere to car oil and horse manure. Instead of using the time you used to rank on me, why not be friendly and just answer the question?

Not important. I plan no future posts on this website.
a simple google search would have brought you tons of results faster than it took you to post the question here


Active Member
No I didn't go through the roughly 1000 hits on this site whos subjects ranged from anywhere to car oil and horse manure. Instead of using the time you used to rank on me, why not be friendly and just answer the question?

Not important. I plan no future posts on this website.
These comments the folks made are sincere and frankly mild compared to what you'll need to expect if you post on this or any public forum. A thicker skin is requred.
One thing to consider when posting pics online is that certain cameras imbed data within the picture file that includes things such as date and time of photograph and even the GPS location of where it was taken!! Be advised. There are free programs online that can be downloaded to remove this data from your pics. I think THATBOY... makes a good point. Hard to truly hide from the man. I, personally have my doubts about VPN services... whose to say the man isn't tapped into those to home in on those who would try to hide their identity?


New Member
Sound advice, thanks. Luckily I don't even have a small grow, but I cannot risk my photos causing legal problems for me.
How can pictures of weed cause u legal issues?....u wont go to jail for growing like 2plants...ull get a fine at most....the risk is worth the reward....ill tell u like I told another guy...I can PROMISE u the police have better things to do than to track u down for the plant or two u have in ur closet that's most likely for personal use....come on man u can't live ur life in a little....if ur a true pot head ull stand up for ur weed and what u believe in and say fuck the man...I'm growing me some smoke dammit....I will not be controlled and kept in a state of fear because of ur ridiculous laws...I'm not hurting anybody...its just weed....they'll prolly go for it....ha.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the only person wasting your time is you . . . .your i am entitled to a direct answer because i post makes me laugh

dont ever post anything if you think it will or can be used against you, its pretty much common sense

go back to your tinfoil lined den and pet the cats


These comments the folks made are sincere and frankly mild compared to what you'll need to expect if you post on this or any public forum. A thicker skin is requred.
One thing to consider when posting pics online is that certain cameras imbed data within the picture file that includes things such as date and time of photograph and even the GPS location of where it was taken!! Be advised. There are free programs online that can be downloaded to remove this data from your pics. I think THATBOY... makes a good point. Hard to truly hide from the man. I, personally have my doubts about VPN services... whose to say the man isn't tapped into those to home in on those who would try to hide their identity?
You are correct and the data that is embedded with the picture is called metadata. I am not concerned with that because I have altered the photos information has been altered, they only know I am using professional equipment, that you cannot hide.

I am more concerned about IP addresses and all that, which of couse I should be concerned.

Thanks all for the information. It's unfortunate because I have a lot of equipment for macro photography...

It's like one rule I read online, "treat it like your life depended on it".

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
its the internet . . .your not safe, they are watching they do know, and you rIP can be gleamed ina thousand ways . . . .. . .if you have somthing to be worried about then dont post pictures

wtf join the 21 century

if you really want to be safe dont ever post pics and get a proxy and run tor browser

oh and be afriad of your shadow


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2405700

One of my 5 week old sweeties (hopefully not a macho) from seed...

Is this site secure? I am interested in documenting a grow cycle in soil, and give details of the grow including hi-res macro through the various stages. But I am paranoid. Can they track me down from my internet address? Are posts safe here?

I did a search but didn't come up with much, but I am sure it is somewhere on the site. I just can't find it.
Most of us here are posting using the computer in the library when we get free time.
Those in lockdown don't get to post very frequently.


New Member
You are correct and the data that is embedded with the picture is called metadata. I am not concerned with that because I have altered the photos information has been altered, they only know I am using professional equipment, that you cannot hide.

I am more concerned about IP addresses and all that, which of couse I should be concerned.

Thanks all for the information. It's unfortunate because I have a lot of equipment for macro photography...

It's like one rule I read online, "treat it like your life depended on it".
If u make one more post im certain they'll have a trace on u....uve made too many already...I would def b worried if I were u....