

Active Member
Anyone have any ideas on how to make your room like Fort Knox???? Besides an alarm system. ( I already have that)


Well-Known Member
set up things around certain way and when uget back check it they have been forged with ir anyhting then youll know somenes snooping around there

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
just a thought...

i had a friend who got busted because he had an alarm system that went off when he wasn't home....alerting neighbors something was up...and then....bringing in the cops like flies on fresh shit. (they had reason to enter with the alarm going off)

ooops. End of grow. Enter 5 years probation and monthly/random drug tests

good luck

bt dt


New Member
since you want it to be like fort knox. install razor wire around your grow area with an armed security guard outside. also be sure to get a retina scanner like they have in james bond movies so no one else can get access to your secret lab. you might also want to try getting a radiation hazard sign and post that on your door to throw ppl off.


Well-Known Member
Also you could get that laser beam thing they had in resident evil, you know where it cuts people in 1/2.


Well-Known Member
dont get padlocks, if u gonna get lock get 2 or 3 locks that are in the door. One quick bash and padlocks unlock like nothin