Seed advice


Well-Known Member
I planted 4 bagseeds, 3 were reg dro and the 4th was my pride- it is a perfect looking seed of OG Kush from Cali Club that i found in my sack i bought. I figured this would be the first to pop up but so far the three others are about to de shell and my OG Kush looks like its trying to poke the root out of the shell but it hasnt in 3 days any advice?


Well-Known Member
in my experience its only ever took 48 hours at longest to germinate fully im not sure just give it some time patience is a virtue lol


Well-Known Member
in my experience its only ever took 48 hours at longest to germinate fully im not sure just give it some time patience is a virtue lol
that is why im worried, its only taken me 2 days to get a seed out this one should have been a sure thing. A strong green seen from the fucking club, anyone ever had to wait longer for a seed to come out?