Well-Known Member
I feel after reading many posts that we are doing a disservice to our selv's by not taking one of our favorite strain's and letting it seed so we could all share in the seed's produced!! trade give whatever no money or anything..just free seed's for those with no great genetic's to work with!!There are small group's here that could not only improve their line's of genetic's but would stop other's from getting rippedoff!! help like minded people and we all win! pick your favorite's tell your group of friend's and then share!!THERE IS NO REASON TO DEAL WITH UNSCRUPULOUS BREADER'S WHO KNOW THEY HAVE YOU BY THE BALL"S! we are all capable of stopping this!! think about it talk to you friend's and get a plan together!! I have sent free seed's all over and the reason is simple...people need to try different strain's to see what work's for them!! You may not like a particular strain but other's might just love it! we all have different taste's and this would make it so easy to try------jack