seed delivery


I've ordered from world wide marijuana seeds didnt get em for a month havent recived a letter from customs the seed bank says there gonna re send the seed should I b worried about the authorities? I live in iowa if that matters.


Well-Known Member
yes customs is who i meant....also my bad i didn`t see the no letter part of your post. us customs have to send you a letter by law, just to inform you. with the seed bank sending new seeds with no letter i would make me wonder about them. what bank was it?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
So, you've gotten nothing yet, op? It may still come through. Customs is federal, they don't give a shit about Iowa. I wouldn't worry much about that. They usually have more important stuff do do than tracking down some poor sap buying a few cannabis seeds. They usually, afaik, just 'destroy' them and move on. G/L on the original or the resend or both getting to you.
Welcome to RIU!


Well-Known Member
Customs will send you the envelop with it resealed with customs printing all over it. If they looked through it. Happened when I tried ordering from herbies. That's IF they looked through it. You probably missed the mail man. You have to sign for some of those. You might not have seen the little note the post office leaves saying they missed you. You could check the post office. I had to go to the post office and sign for my last package. I live in the Midwest too, so it was kinda sketchy. But it all worked out. It wasn't opened and gone through or anything. Ordered from seedsman by the way.


yes customs is who i meant....also my bad i didn`t see the no letter part of your post. us customs have to send you a letter by law, just to inform you. with the seed bank sending new seeds with no letter i would make me wonder about them. what bank was it?
World wide marijuana seeds


Customs will send you the envelop with it resealed with customs printing all over it. If they looked through it. Happened when I tried ordering from herbies. That's IF they looked through it. You probably missed the mail man. You have to sign for some of those. You might not have seen the little note the post office leaves saying they missed you. You could check the post office. I had to go to the post office and sign for my last package. I live in the Midwest too, so it was kinda sketchy. But it all worked out. It wasn't opened and gone through or anything. Ordered from seedsman by the way.
World wide marijuana sent an email saying its at post office