Seed Germination lighting


Active Member
I have read that you use a florescent light for germinating you seedlings, as well as the first couple of weeks of the vegitative phase. First of all is this true? Secondly I was in Home Depot this weekend and saw a 75W high pressure sodium security light, and was curious if this would work better than a florescent for those stages?


Well-Known Member
On my current grow I used florescent lighting for 1 week then switched to a 400W mh. HPS, is not supposed to be as good for veging. But some people use it all the way through their grow.


Well-Known Member
Ive always germ.'d my seeds in a folded up wet paper towel and put in in the closet, where its dark, once the tap roots shows..into its container it goes, then i set my lights. for veg. from there.